My Wife

It is my 35th anniversary on the 24th and i have to take this moment to say something nice about my wife. Retired for the last two years she had worked at McGuire AFB in NJ in various positions but the one that stands out was when she was in public relations. IT was through her that I got to meet, and have photos taken with, the Thunderbirds, the Blue Angels, the Snowbirds, and the ill fated Frecce Tricolori. I would get VIP seating and press passes. I could enter the air shows before the gates opened and see the aircraft from the other side of the ropes. I could use the office bathroom and not have to stand in line at the Port-A-Potty. I could get free lithographs and posters and get my picture on TV. She never complains about my hobby and raves about my models and shows them and explains the details to vistors. I don’t know of too many women that would put up with my kind of crap over the years but apparently she sees something in me that I don’t. SO I just want to say thanks for being you Honey, I love you.


Congratulations Richard!

35 years of marriage is something to be proud of these days.



Congrats are definately in order. Sounds like you have a keeper. I wish you both another 35 years of bliss!


Congrats and all the best for the next 35 and beyond to both of you…Greg

Congrats Ipolpo;
May you have another 35 more on my "B"days, it great to hear that marriage like yours can & will last, good luck[:D]

congrats lpolpo and may u have another 35years and more.

Congrats on 35 years you are a pretty lucky guy to have a great wife

Your wife sounds ok, for a girl…
Honestly, and truly, I wish you 35 more anniversaries and all the happiness in the world. It’s all too rare that someone ends up finding the RIGHT life partner. I think you should keep her.
Cheers, mate


They have to be special to put up with our habit, er hobby! Today is my (our) 33rd.The best to you and your wife, it sounds as if she went above and beyond the call of duty. Cheers, rangerj

congratulations Richard! You and your wife desserve all the best…sounds like you did marriage right!

Congratulations to all of you with your anniversaries. You guys have very special ladies, especially considering the hobby that we share. I have a great woman that has supported my addiction to plastic for 18 years now. She’s actually the reason I got back into the hobby after a protracted absence.

That is wonderful news, 35 years is a great accomplishment and I am sure you and your wife are proud of one another. Keep up the love and happiness.

Congratulations, hopefully 34 years down the road I’ll be able to post a topic like yours :slight_smile:

I would like to thank everyone for thier well wishes, both myself and my wife Kathy were very touched. We wish you all a long life and happiness.

My best to you and your wonderful woman! I wish you both well.
Vince & Gail Bobrowski (29 years)