My Sturmgeschütz IV

[:D] Hello friends!

I want to share with you my last work: This is my Sturmgeschütz IV / 116th. Panzer Division, sight in the Italian and French front.

Kit: Academy 1/35 and I added the following complements:

1.- Jordi metal gun barrel of 75mm
2.- Verlinden resin Tools
3.- Greif Ocular lenses for periscopes
4.- Accurate Armour Chains
5.- Cooper cables
6.- Microdetails and Verlinden Photoetched
7.- “Scratch” nuts and bolts
8.- Verlinden figures and bullets

I hope you like it, thanks!

Best regards,

Simply Beautiful! Great work, I really love how you made all the “camo” dots a uniform size as if they were all hand painted in the field. Great work, you should be proud!

Nice bit of work Rodolfo. Excellent weathering.
I do have one question though in regards to the schurtzen racks (and please remember I’m just an ignorant Sherman builder)
Shouldn’t the hanging teeth be towards the outside of the rack as opposed to the inside?

Hello friends:

Thanks for your kind comments!. Regarding your observation on the hanging teeth of the rack, you are right. I also noticed the same after taking and publishing the photos in another Forums, but I already made the change on it. I will publish the correct photos again.

Thanks and regards,

Very well done!
I look forward to seeing more of your work.

Nice Work

nice work

Great ! A very nice job!

Awesome build.

nice tank, only one comment: i would add more accesories. most stug were shown with field-built racks locared on the back. they did this because it was an idel tank for throwing some extra ruck sacks exc… never the less, excellent tank![;)]

where did you get the ammo belts?

Hello friends:

Thanks for your kind comments!, I really appreciate them. A few Stug’s IV they added accesories but the most Stug’s III they carried plentiful of accesories. I have a project for to make a Diorama with this Stug and a Tiger I.
About the ammo belts, are of Verlinden.

Thanks again!

Two words… Great Job!!!

Nice… panzer hope to see more soon …

Hello friends!

Thanks for your kind comments. A few days I will start other project and I will post the images about my work in progress.


great looking kit also what brand of figure’s did you use?and Robert the shermanfreak you don’t miss a have the eye for armour.
take care everyone
tom martell

Outstanding Job!

[:D] Hello friends:

Thanks for your kind comments! In a few days I will start another project and I will post pics of my work in progress.

Best regards,

SWEET!!! One question (from a newbie like myself),did you handpaint the dots on the tank?

for the last comment: yes, he did handpaint the dots. its not that hard to do. just take your time.