I got hold of a camera today from my dads work so I figured I’d go outside in the garage to take some pictures of the spray booth. Until now, it’s been out in the garage acting as a temporary storage for things, but no more. Tomorrow we’re going to start setting up the new hobby room down in the basement inside the house. (yes, there is proper ventilation, I won’t gas myself and my family to death, don’t worry[:P])
Joke aside.
The spray booth itself is made up of two parts: The actual spray booth and a separate box for drying of the things you have painted.
Here’s some pictures. And as I said, it’s a mess (right now).
The spraying booth was made out of some old cabinet, don’t know where dad found it but he modified it a bit to make it look like it does now. He switched the whole left side of it to add the hole for the drying compartment. I don’t have any exact measurements of the booth but it’s over 25" wide, 10" deep and 15" high, so it’s quite big.
The drying box is made out of 90 degree, 3mm aluminium profiles which are glued (with silicone) and screwed together. Again, no exact measurements but it’s about 12" high, 12" deep and 17" wide.
That’s about it I guess. I’ll update with more pictures once we have set the whole thing up. Don’t know when exactly but it should be done by the end of the weekend.
I’ll update with some more pictures of the booth tomorrow. We’ve taken all the things inside the house now and down to the basement so assembly will commence tomorrow. [:P]
Oh, and I remembered now what the booth is made of. Originally it came from the lab-section at my dads work, but one side of this booth (a laboratory booth) was corroded by some acidic fluid so they trew it away and my dad salvaged it. He just switched out the corroded side and did some minor modifying. One of these booths would surely cost alot more than the average spray booth since it was originally created for lab work.
Anyway. Expect some pictures tomorrow. I’ll start putting togethere the electronics for the lamp and fan then. [:)]
That is looking really good Viktor! I need to build me one of those, but dang it all, I got nowhere to blow the fumes out, unless its the window, and having the window open while I paint doesn’t sound to appealing when its 20 degrees outside… yeah, I know, I’ma wimp[:P]
Here I got some new pictures. I wired all the electronics today, I had some major brain-malfunctions but in the end it turned out really good. I had accidentally wired the lamp and the fan so that I couldn’t turn the lamp on or off and the fan wouldn’t even spin. I fixed it quite easy though just by changing a cable. Ah, enough talk. Here’s the pictures.
The airfilter. On the outside of the booth this is actually made of two paint bucket lids and a airfilter from a Volvo.
The spray booth is supposed to be a closed compartment so you only have clean air inside it. Going to drill a hole through the side later and have a regulator on the inside of it where you connect the airbrush. Got to fix one of thoes panels that are similar to the ones you have on sandblaster machines where you stick your hands into a pair of gloves and work with inside the box.
Opening into the drying compartment. There is supposed to be a ‘shutter’ (couldn’t find the real word for it) here that you can open and close when you put things in to dry. Have yet to make this bit though, but it should be taken care of later today. There is also a small ‘cart’, or whatever to call it, that is supposed to be inside the drying compartment. You drag out this cart, put whatever parts you have painted on it, push the cart into the drying compartment and close the shutter for it to dry. Heated (only very little) air will also be blown into this compartment for the paint to dry in an ideal temperature.
Hey, thats looking really good! So when did you say you wanted to start on mine [:D] J/K, Have you given any thought to putting a turntable or something like that on the inside or set your stand on? I have seen a couple booths like that and it looks like a pretty handy thing to have?
Haha. I’m going to take all the measurements of the booth later and post them up here for people to use.
I suppose a turntable might be something to add. I’ll see if I can get hold of one. There probably is one somewhere in the garage, but finding something there is like finding a needle in a haystack. No joke. [:P]
Hey Mindless, awesome booth and thank you for sharing with us. It actually helped me solve some problems that I’ve had with mine and triggered some ideas. I’m in the process of building something kind of similar, well thought I was almost done LOL.
I’m trying to figure out the best way to have those gloves like a sand blasting booth too, so it’s closed to the outside elements. Your car air filter trick was one helpful idea… don’t know why I couldn’t think of that… duh… [D)]
Couple of questions for you, I know, I’m impatient. [:I]
Having the booth sealed and using a 4" air intake would then mean I could drastically cut back on a blowers CFM requirements and there is really no size restrictions on the booth… wouldn’t it?
I mean, no need for one of those 480 CFM jobbies.
What is your plans for supplying heat to the drying booth?
I thought of a light bulb or uhm… my wifes food dehydrator.
Any particular reason for the perforated metal flooring?
At least it looks like metal.
I’m still wondering about the best way to plump the air source for the airbrush?
Have a hose (short and/or coil type) and fitting attached inside the booth or run a hose through a rubber seal so I can adjust the length in the booth as needed. Humm…
Regarding the ‘gloves-thing’, I’ve been thinking about that too but haven’t really figured out a good design for it yet. Going to have a look at it this weekend I think.
And regarding the blower: Yeah, I guess. I’m not too familiar with measuring airflow (this booth already has that stuff taken in mind since it was premade, we only repaired it and modified it) so I can’t tell for sure. But yeah, I guess you could use a smaller blower for the booth.
Myself, I’m going to use a blower that you can have three different speeds on. I had two blowers but one of them didn’t have the three-speed option on it and it made quite alot of noise when you started it up so I kinda ruled that one out. Got to find a suitable fan for the blower though. The one I have now is too high (about 2", should be like 1½") so you can’t put the blower-housing together without the fan touching the housing.
About the heating, I was thinking of having a lamp that gives away quite alot of heat in order to keep the drying booth warm.
Reason for the metal floor? It’s actually stainless steel (it weighs a ton), and it’s there for some practical purposes. The idea of it is to make it easier to clean the booth once in a while, and also use it as a stand for parts when spraying.
As for the airbrush/regulator inside the booth. I had something similar in mind too. Drilling a hole and then have some kind of rubber seal in the hole and then put the hose through that and connect it to a regulator inside the booth.[:)]
Oh, and Colin: I found a turntable in the garage. The gods of fortune must smile on me. [:D]