My next project.

well, I think I’m going to do Tamiya 1/35 SAS Landrover, anybody done this and want to give me any tips/advice?
I just about got the guy done, and I’ll keep putting pics on here.

man this guy is taking me about as long to paint as I do a 1/72 vehicle!

I’ve got one in my “to do” pile. A friend is getting me the old Eduard PE set for the kit. I built one several years ago (like 20) and my daughter is building one. She likes the pink plastic.

I am trying to get the PE set. I figure that I don’t have that much room to display so I’ll concentrate on doing the best job I can and that includes aftermarket details for them. It would be nice if the plastic wasn’t so shiny/glossy, then you wouldn’t have to paint them![;)]

how big is your to-do pile?

by the way, just got to finish the face and then you can have some pics to see of this guy.

I finally finished him. it took 4 hours to do him. they say practice makes perfect, this certainly was practice but I don’t think my figures are perfect yet.