Hello and thank you for having me. I am not new to model building. If anybody reads my bio you can see. I am currently 53 years old and building models off and on since I was 9 years old. But all the models I’ve had since I was nine until I Was Eighteen have been destroyed in numerous ways. Blown up, shot up, and burnt up. Which I guess is about the same for a lot of the older Builders. LOL I currently have around 200 built models that I keep in display cases or on shelves. I currently have 73 models in my closet to be built. I have osteoarthritis and I had a failed back surgery less than 2 years ago and have been disabled now for about a year and two months. I have my own model room now and I am the grandpa of three kids. 10 year old boy, seven-year-old boy, and a two-year-old girl. I get into detailing sometimes too much. I try to run all the wires under the hood and also heater hoses to add to the realism. And I tried to detail the dash to make the gauges look as real as possible. Still need to work on that Talent more. My favorite cars are muscle cars from 65 to 73. I love pickup trucks of all years the four by fours with oversized tires are my favorite. I also have about four or five semis. In fact I just built to and I’m working on a box trailer right now. Thank you all for having me. I hope to hang out here because I really don’t care for the Facebook groups. It’s hard to sit there and be a part of four or five of them and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling. But man they can build some models. And the fabrication that they can do. I’m sure quite a few on here are the same LOL anyhow that’s my life.
Welcome aboard.
Welcome. I look forward to seeing your work. I do about 1/3 cars/bikes. The rest are airplanes.
Hello and welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the Forums! Glad to have you with us.
Glad to have another “older gentleman” on here.[;)] I’ve been building for 74 of my 80 years. Started when I was 6 and never stopped. Have gotten loads of help from the members here. If you have any questions/problems just ask. We’ve all been there at least a few times. The members here are very knowledgeable and always ready to help out.
Sit back, relax and enjoy.
Jim [cptn]
Stay Safe.
53 Years Old?
Son, you’re just a young pup here. Some of us are pushing 80 mighty hard! But, that said We appreciate you joining us. Welcome Aboard!
53, heck, I wish I was that young again!! That was back when I could run and do physical stuff other than just throwing hay bales.
Concuring with my compadres, welcome.
Welcome to FSM, Wass! I look forward to seeing your builds.
Best regards,
Welcome to the Forums!