There she was, just inside the gate after I passed the ticket turnstile…
She didnt fly at the show, but doing a walk-around was good enough for me!

Give my regards to the emporer!!! [:D]

I’m happy they left the guns in place and didnt fill the holes closed!

(the door is open, i wonder if anyone would notice… [:p])
I can die now [;)]
I’m envious! I’ve seen many different warbirds up close, but never a Lightning.
Some day. . .
Yeah, I have to say I agree…I’m envious, and if I’d been taking the pictures (all 37 rolls) I’d think I’d be happy to peg out after that…the Lightning was an incredible aircraft.
Porky II and the Glacier Girl will fly formation at the MIddlesboro, KY air show the first weekend in September. I plan on being there. Glacier Girl, incidentally, won the Rolls Royce trophy for best restoration, and also took home the “Peoples Choice” award. And you are right, the P38s were awesome birds.
Huskerguy my fingers are crossed for your good weather! Yesterday was rained out, but today (Sunday) went all day. The ONLY jets were a jet powered bi-plane and an F18 Hornet. It was a warbird day from Stearmans on up… six avengers also blessed us in a pacific raid re-enactment with the tora tora tora birds.
The hornet pilot was LAME AS HELL. If the pilot can read this…next time pour on the coal!!! 
More groovy shot, Flash. Any more of this one?
I’m so glad we’re seeing less and less of the bogus markings on Warbirds every year. Nuthin’ worse than bright blue Mustangs and red white and blue Lightnings… [:(]
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