my first Eduard barrel

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up.

I just received my first Eduard barrel in the mail, and boy was I pleased. We are not talking about a two part barrel with a muzzle break that needs to be cleaned up. The Eduard barrel came as one piece, and I must say it is very clean. I mean all I have to do is stick the thing on my model. I was very surprised by the level of detail INSIDE the muzzle break!! As far as after market barrels go, this is by far the best one I have seen.[:D]

Hope this convinces some of you guys that use aftermarket barrels to give Eduard a try. Oh yah, and the barrel I got was for a Tiger 1.

Is the barrel turned aluminum? What about the muzzle brake? How much cleanup on the seams both outside and inside? Is the muzzle brake also turned like the barrel, or is it white metal, like the Rubio stuff?
Gip Winecoff

It is a one piece turned aluminum barrel, and there is NO clean up needed, NON!!! the muzzle brake is machined onto the end of the barrel (attached, and also aluminum). I cant stress enough, that there is NO clean up necessary. There are NO seams. If I decide I need an after market barrel for any of my future kits, Eduard will be the first company I look to.

hope this helps

Sounds good man how much was it? I have the Jordi Rubio for my Tiger 1 and while it needed a bit of cleanup on the seperate muzzle brake overall it was very good, and at 8 bucks one heck of a bargain!
There is also a company that makes turned brass ones and if i can find it again i will let you know…lol but man were they gorgeous!

I’ve gotten a couple of them too. They make Jordio’s look like OOB kind of stuff!!! They are about the same price and MUCH better!!


I payed $9.15; the buck extra is worth it!!

Hi there
I’ve just used my first ever aftermarket gun barrel.The Eduard barrel for the Revell jagdtiger and i must say i’m very impressed.It looks great and if i go for more i’ll look at Eduard first(i hope they do one for the dragon Elefant).
All the best

Where are you finding these barrels?? I haven’t been able to find them in stock anywhere. There is a turned brass barrel out there from Precision Brass Barrels that is incredible. The barrel even has rifling grooves in it! Check it out at:

e-mail contact in the U.S. is:

have a look at for the pics etc and LSA models in the uk stock can find their details in Military in Scale mag.

Ouch! Hope I don’t have to order them from Czeh or UK.

I got mine from Great Models, it wasn’t in stock, but they ordered it for me. I only had to wait a week or so for it to come in.

And wow, that is some brass barrel!!! wipw, do you know how much that barrel costs?

I don’t. I tried an e-mail, but our firewall blocked it (I think). Am going to try again. I’ll let you know what I find out. But I’ll bet it’s no $5 job!! lol


i sent a e-mail out to them about 1 sec ago…we shall see:)

Terrific. I’ll be looking forward to what they say.



NP man:)
OH and be sure to post in my 1/35th Tiger mid pro group build thread!

Found that brass barrel for sale. I think ill stick with the Eduard barrel; $49 is just a little steep for me right now.[:0] is where I found it.

Yeah, those Eduard barrels are sweet!

I just picked up a Pak 43/2 L/71 88mm barrel for the Elefant by a Polish company called ARMO, and man, it’s a sweet piece, too. Ultra-clean, one-piece (muzzlebrake and all) aluminum deal. About $10 US.
Lots of good stuff out there, folks!

Those prices are in Canadian dollars, but it’s still about $35 US. More than I’ve got to spend on a barrel! I’ll go with one of the others. Local dealer has a few different types, including the Eduard. I’ll find out if I can go over later this week and take a look at them. (Right now, he doesn’t have a retail store. Been selling over e-bay only while he’s moving. But he’s told me before I can come and pick up stuff.)

I was going to glue up the Tamiya Mid and the Academy Early turrets and compare them, but there’s more to these things than just glueing the turret halves together!

Best of building.


Good luck with it.