[:I] Hi everyone.
I finished my first diorama last week and thought that I would post it on RonUSMC’s gallery. It’s a US Army M113 set in (what’s supposed to resemble) a small patch of Vietnam. I’m not looking for a pat on the back here, I’d just be interested in what some of you think as none of my friends who have seen it are modelers.
It would be nice if anyone with a “modeler’s eye” could give it a quick glance and offer some advice on improving my technique.
(Yes, I know the figures are’nt that good and the paint job on the APC is’nt too hot either. But what about my scratch-built palm tree?!!)[;)]
Respones good,bad or unprintable will be appriciated.
Just visited the gallery and I thought you did a great job. The palm tree came out awesome. Your photography skill are equally good. While I was at Ron USMC’s site I went to your workshop, impressed their too, well lit, orginized and looks peaceful. Anyway, once again great job…
You did an admirable job, Darren. The only thing I would recommend, as Eric said, would be to add a bit more weathering to the subject. Nice tree, too.
As for the uniforms, with the bit of gloss showing, you could just say that it had been raining…
Thanks very much for your kind words and advice guys! Really glad someone likes the palm tree!! The figures came with the kit and I found trying to make them look “real” quite difficult. I really admire other modelers who create the dioramas we see at shows and in magazines and would love to produce something close to their standard one day.
Thanks for taking time to have at look at my pictures, your comments have encouraged me to think of doing another dio. in the future.
Many thanks,