My first dio with figures

Just finished my first diorama with figures. Not the best but it’s my first with firgures. Dios are not my strongest side but I’m proud of this one:

i like it…makes a nice change from the “norm” i especially like the trees…did you use P.E foliage.???

Thanks for the comments. The Pine trees were scratchbuilt. If you are interested in the methods I used then here is an article I wrote for the Digitaldioramas website a couple of months ago:

Great stuff! I like different subjects! I’ll learn from your way of doing those trees and vegetation. My only criticism would be that the figs look a bit too ‘frozen’ if you know what I mean. But the more you work with figures the better they’ll look. Keep up the good work.

I know what you mean. The only tip I can offer to probably rectify the look would be to add more than one branch lightly glued together. Then by dipping it in a solution to give it a kinda drouping form, it will give the effect of a more realistic look.

Besides that, any other problems?

Nice, thanks for sharing!

Thanks. I’ll just have to get better at roughing it things up a bit. The look is too clean. I’ll get better at it though.

I’m working on my other dios that I have already finished; trying to add figures to them. So check the my site in the dio link.

Okay, here are a couple more. Let’s hear it guys. Am I getting there?

The rest of the pics are

I like that one!

Hi there

I like it a lot and u should be proud of it.

Keep well.

Thanks for the import. I’m almost done on my next dio. It’s a transport theme including the M113 twinstinger missiles with the CLT dolly. These two are my best models of the lot and the setting is pretty cool, I think.