my F-18C VMFA-232

I hope the pics post!!!

They posted but are very small on my PC. Looks like great work so far. Thanks for sharing…


Yeah, the pics are kinda small on my screen too. Looks like a great build though from what I can make of them.

Looking forward to bigger pics of your birds…good job!

Just remove the .th (so that it is just .jpg) from the webpage addres and you get the correct size. Nice model!

got it, thanks

Looks great man.

One point, and it’s probably just me, but the second to last picture seems off. Either your bird is a lil’ crooked, your tables’s a lil’ crooked, your blind’s are crooked giving me the impression that something is crooked, or my eyesight is crooked. Most likely it’s me eyes. Either way, looks good and I like the decals especially.

Look forward to seeing more from ya.

Great looking job on the build.

Yep, the right hand main mount is low. It was bent out of the box, and I did not bind it back all the way.

Looking good! I’ve always thought those markings looked quite smart on the Hornet.

Still looks great either way.

Man I just looked at your home town, I’m from Knoxville.

Sweet man, do you frequent the Hobbytown by the Best Buy in K-Town? I’m finishing up college at UT? I was planning on going to the Smoky Mountain Minicon 24, but my fiance is graduating college that day so looks like i’ll have to miss.

Man, I just hit my 10yr mark in SoCal, I’m in the Marine Corps out of MCAS Miramar.

Great job on the Hornet! What’s the scale?

Thanks, it is 1/48.