MY DML initial Tiger

I’ve post a couple pic’s about a month ago of my tiger here, but they were very poor quality.Well got a good camera now so im trying it out. This is my DML INITIAL TIGER-1 I just got done with last mounth. Now a good pic Looking ok? I’ll try and post more pic later.

Looks good, to me the tracks on the front are too much of a solid rust colour, but maybe its teh flash, btw did you finish it with a german grey?? Looks blue to me…

Anyway, the build looks good, keep it up!

Looks pretty dern [2c] good. Yeah, [:(] I think the tracks are too solid a color for rust. But… could that be a fresh factory set, [?] in oxide primer? What is the tank’s color and what kind of paint?
I have the early model and the late. I haven’t opened either one yet because I don’t know which one I’m gonna build first and I also know I won’t be able to [:-^] get 'em back in the box. I was wondering, when I zoomed in on your pic, I couldn’t help but notice the armor texture. Is that the way the kit comes [%-)] or did you do it? It looks super.
Yeah, you got a better camera. Thats a real closeup. It takes a little while for the picture to come up for us poor [:slight_smile:] dial-up guys. Look forward to seeing more.


Have to agree with Steve’s close up comments. Whoa! I also agree with both comments about the rusted tracks. They should be drybrushed with silver or grey metallic. The spares should be more subdued like the running ones IMHO.

Thanks guys. The spare tracks are a bit to bright of rust I do need to tone that down a little.I did add the texture with the dremel and some liquid cement.The color is Model Master Panzer Gray wich is very dark.Then I used Floquil Panzer Gray wich is alot lighter to tone it down and high light it a little. I wanted the build it to look like Tiger 100 captured and put on display with the shells on the deck in Gorky Park Moscow. I left the hatches open because it also has a full interior in it and engine. I try and post some pics of that sooner are later but im no computer are camera expert…lol…that maybe why you get a real close up of it…lol.

FYI: Tiger 100 had its upper right smoke discharger knocked off, leaving only the lower two tubes. If you look at the pics, you’ll see that.

I do know that. But I put all the smoke dischargers on and painted it before I noticed it in the pictures.So i wasnt going to destroy my build by trying to take off one smoke discharger that was super glue on just wasnt worth it. I said i wanted it to look like it when it was capture didnt say it was…lol[:o)]

LOL, no worries. I pointed it out because I’m doing the same subject. I clipped off the offending tube afterwards and the clean up wasn’t that bad.

Nice job. I like the shade of paint. I agree with toning down the spare track. how did the tracks go together?

I did use the kits magic tracks they were nicely detail with the exception of no hole in the guide teeth like the real ones. But I had no funds for some after market tracks[:(]You know how that goes…hihi.

Also i dont see the magic in magic tracks…lol they are nothing new to me.[:O]I just snapped them togather in sections dry fit them to see how they would fit and how many i needed to use. After i did that I painted them with my airbrush, gunmetal useing tamiya paint myself for this.let that dry then I went back put the tracks back togather with glue let it set for about 15 to 20 minutes even after this time they will still be flexiable.Then I just wrapped them around the road wheels the end for me…lol I would not glue the rear idel wheel before i did this if i was you, are if i did it again…lol[D)]That way you can addjust your tracks to fit properly.But there not hard, dont know why every body scared of individual tracks my self they are alittle time consuming but thats all.After i let them dry on the model I hit with a wash of rust then some flat coat myself.

Heres another photo

hi man-- [:D] nice job-i agree with the others about the bright rust on the spare links, but over all lookin pretty good!-- love the 'good luck horse shoe!!–treadwell[8D]


I like your last pic the best. What paint and color did you use?
It’s confusing [%-)] when you see so many pics with dark gray and then you see alot of them with the lighter gray.


All of the bases have been covered I think in the above posts. Just pay attention to the weathering of the tracks. Looks great.

I used Model Master gray primer and polly red oxide primer on some parts were i ran out of gray MM primer but mostly its all MM gray primer. Then i used Model Master Panzer Gray Acrylics wich was very very dark for a panzer gray. After that I used Floquil Enamel panzer gray wich was a light color of panzer gray so i used that to high light and lighten up my tiger. I love the way it turn out myself. Then I gave it a all black wash and a coat of dust useing powders for the dust then a dull clear coat. Hope that helps exsplain the paint job a little better for you there disastermaster. I 'll post a pic from behind as soon as I can work out the kinks with the old computer here and get a chance. here another new pic just click on the pic that comes up and anothe pic of it from behind will come up. Thanks guys

[:D] Thanks for the comeback Kernop. I’ve got both DRAG[}:)]N Tigers. They’re on target for a future build. I’m having trouble [banghead] figuring out a color scheme for the initial version. It’s confusing. I’ve seen the light color version [%-)] and also the darker gray version of it also. Looks like I’m gonna get those colors and do a little (magic) experimenting.


What other units had the inial tiger’s beside 501 and 502? And does any body got any pics of some initial tigers out there? Thinking about building another one.

Good gosh! It’s so big I can hardly see it!

Very nice tiger, is that a early version one? Nice build.

Nice looking job on the build.