well here it is, my 1/72 halftrack ambulance
I converted it from a troop carrier to an ambulance, but I forgot to take a picture before I put the tarp on. oh well, live and learn
the things I did to this kit:
drilled out the wheel rims
put some mesh in the engine for a rad
put chain on the front
and the rear conversion
here you can get a good look at my drilled out rims
shows the side with a stretcher
the side without a stretcher
about this vehicle, it could carry 3 stretchers inside one on each side, and one in the middle.
oh, the rust really shows up in these pictures, it is more subtle in reality
Real nice work Chris, I just don’t know how you can do such beautiful work in such a small scale. apparently all the chat paid off cause it’s a winner. semper fi, mike
Very nice M1. I been Wanting too see it.
For those of you who didn’t follow up on the Weekend build, there were two vehicles converted to ambulances. Weird[:O]
One suggestion: try to find some non-“gnurled” chain. The type you used is a kind of twisted, “gnurled” shape, which I doubt was ever used on full-sized military vehicles. Don’t worry though; I used a LOT of that very same type of chain on a lot of my early armor, too! Regular flat-link chain small enough to be in scale was always hard to find in my li’l hometown in Georgia.
I know about the chain, and I’m always looking for better stuff. but until then, I
ll use this stuff. it is not glued as I will replace it when I get some good stuff
for the taillights, I just put a drop of red paint on them, and it dries all nice and shiny, and round
Great build Chris. Man I have tried braile scale and have not had much luck, but I am trying to get better at it. Will be taking 2 with me to Kansas when I go out there for two weeks. Figure they will be easier to pack in my carry on.