my completed weekend GB project (pics)

well here it is, my 1/72 halftrack ambulance
I converted it from a troop carrier to an ambulance, but I forgot to take a picture before I put the tarp on. oh well, live and learn

the things I did to this kit:
drilled out the wheel rims
put some mesh in the engine for a rad
put chain on the front
and the rear conversion

here you can get a good look at my drilled out rims

shows the side with a stretcher

the side without a stretcher

about this vehicle, it could carry 3 stretchers inside one on each side, and one in the middle.

oh, the rust really shows up in these pictures, it is more subtle in reality

thanks to all the people who put up with me and my build in the chat room… [:D][:D]

You just get better with each build, thanks for sharing.

I also fixed a couple of those holes on the edge of the tarp, with some gap filling glue, they just need some apint touchup

Good Job Chris. Fast one too.

thanks eric and dwight

not really fast when I consider how many hours were spent on it… about 15, might have cut it down to 12 if I hadn’t been on chat during most of it.

Real nice work Chris, I just don’t know how you can do such beautiful work in such a small scale. apparently all the chat paid off cause it’s a winner. semper fi, mike

Hi Chris,

Great work in such a tiny size!

I really like your interior work.[tup]

Jay modelnut4
AKA treadhead 1952
Las Vegas, NV

chris it looks good. very good.


Very nice M1. I been Wanting too see it.
For those of you who didn’t follow up on the Weekend build, there were two vehicles converted to ambulances. Weird[:O]

thanks all!!!

well, i’m in the middle of a simple base for it, I’ll finish it (the base) tomorrow.

Nice job, M-1 [tup]

Those tail lights are so tiny ! Were they painted or was that a lens ?

  • Either way they are stinkin small - looks good

Good job Chris.

Very nice build. Detail is impressive, considering the small scale.

Good work, Chris! Nice tarp and other mods.

One suggestion: try to find some non-“gnurled” chain. The type you used is a kind of twisted, “gnurled” shape, which I doubt was ever used on full-sized military vehicles. Don’t worry though; I used a LOT of that very same type of chain on a lot of my early armor, too! Regular flat-link chain small enough to be in scale was always hard to find in my li’l hometown in Georgia.

thanks all!

I know about the chain, and I’m always looking for better stuff. but until then, I
ll use this stuff. it is not glued as I will replace it when I get some good stuff

for the taillights, I just put a drop of red paint on them, and it dries all nice and shiny, and round

WOW! Great braile scale stuff! Nice conversions!

Very nice conversion, always neat to see people get creative especially with the smaller scale stuff.

Great build Chris. Man I have tried braile scale and have not had much luck, but I am trying to get better at it. Will be taking 2 with me to Kansas when I go out there for two weeks. Figure they will be easier to pack in my carry on.

Looks good Chris. Really good for a couple days work.