Hey everyone! My wife got a program called Webshots that allows up to 240 pics to be uploaded to your own Online Albums for viewing, among other features offered.
Well, here’s my page holding all my Albums, with a total of 230 photos altogether so far:
That’s an impressive collection. Too many rolly things for my liking, but they look good anyway. I like the Titanic too, Which kit and scale is it? I’m going to build a 1/400 Academy one soon.
Thanks Pingtang! I have more pics of rolly things because they are small enough to get my camera close enough for crisp, clear shots. I can’t do that with my aircraft. I’m waiting to get a better camera to take more pics of my 247 planes
The Titanic is the 1/542 scale kit by Revell/Monogram. It is not a bad kit and went together without too many hassles. I’m building a second one for my brother in Ohio.
Good luck on your Titanic, I can’t wait to see pics!
Thanks Dj! Yeah, my wife found it because she was looking for something ofr me to organize my photos with, as well as display online. The free service allows you to post up to 240 photos. If you buy the premium package for 2.95 a month, you get to store 3000 Pics!
Still, I’m going to build me a website. Verizon gives us 12Mb of space for a website. Hopefully it is enough for these and future photos.
I’m glad you liked the Mistral. It was tough gettting the tail booms to line up properly. And I do plan on getting that Concorde soon!
Rick, rik (cirikili) and Armorman, Thanks! I’m glad you like them, and once I get some more free time, I will send more through the assembly lines!
Wow, that’s quite a collection you have there Duke!!!
I’m currently in the process of doing one of the Revell Titanic’s… been in the process for two years now, spare time, but finally got all the PE sets I needed, so it’s time has come!
Thanks oldhooker! I am also working on another Titanic for my little brother. I’m just building OOB though. I’m glad you like the pics. Once I have more time, I plan on building a website to hold all the pics I can take!
[:I][V] Ah man, ya caught me! [B)]
Actually, my 'stang is currently undergoing some much needed refurbishing. I have a coat of silver an her and now I need to apply the aftermarket decals I have, then replace all the pieces that broke off. Of course, this is an older model that has a passing resemblance to a Mustang, but it was my 4th model that I built when I was seven, so I’m gonna just try to make it look good. I think I have another 1/72 scale 'stang stashed somewhere in the Pile, but I have to go look for it. When I have more time, I’ll find it and get it going.