My 2023 New Kit Wish List (AKA My 1/72 Scale Dream)

1st Some Old Airfix kits that really need re-tooled:

  1. 1/72 Douglas TBD Devestator

  2. 1/72 Arado 196

    2nd (or is it 3rd?), Why does the F-4B/N Phantom II get no love in the OTS? Finemolds and Academy have both released 1/72 Thick wing phantoms recently, not to mention the Tamiya 1/48 ‘B’ that I have been waiting to be scaled down to 72nd scale, but there is still no B or N in sight. How’s a guy supposed to use up his collection of Vietname Era USMC Da Nang phantom decals?

  3. Tamiya, Academy, Finemolds 1/72 F-4B/N Phantom II

Well, there are a few more I want , but I don’t want to get greedy. This shold suffice for now…

Definitely agree on your list above. The Fujimi B/N is still a nice kit. Would also add in 72nd

F9F-4/5 Panther

Single seat Cougar

Now that Heller is coming back around. Would love to see some retools of theirs

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A Devastator in 1/72 sounds like a job for ClearProp! Models. If they do one, it will be the bee’s knees.

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I am still waiting for a high quality 1:72 Ford tri-motor!

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Completely agree with the Devastator and Arado and would add:



and from Heller:

Arado Ar-96

Fw-56 Stosser

Any of their 30s/40s French designs updated to modern standards a la Airfix.

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