Im building a Panther G and need help for mud and snow. Particularly snow.
I think ive pretty much nailed mud, by sifting sand, adding some plant roots and liquid cement. Then applying where needed. (What do you think?)
However snow is a problem, ive tried marble but turns more grey when wet. I dont like Baking soda either, it turns horrible when wet. Any suggestions?
its white and stays white, of course you could mix a tad of brown where it meets mud, snow isnt white after its run over by some thing that weighs many many tons.
spackle might work, its light weight, fairly easy to work with and if you dont like how it looks, wipe it off, unless its dried, then you’re stuck.
how is it that you are using the baking soda? I’ve never had a problem with it and it looks great. after sprinkling it around, just hit it with a spray adhesive like 3m and it ends up drying like real snow… just my [2c]
I agree. Outside of commercial products meant to replicate snow, your best bet would be baking soda. Just remember that when you apply it, don’t press it in, but layer it on by dusting it over the desired area.
i’ve always brushed white glue down frist and then dusted it with baking soda. never had a problem with it everyone has good ideas. i use this tec on sand also other than that i don’t know.
Hi Pasternaker, take a look in this picture:
The snow I made of the following form: I applied a layer of mass for wooden in white color (base) and smoothed well to give the snow impression in layers, made the mark of the catterpilars of the tank before it dried, then I applied some mass for wooden in earth color (to simulate the mud), and then I passed again the catterpilar of the tank in the place, that gave a effect of a moisture of snow with mud, and finally I applied a some hair spray and sprinkled talcum powder, I left to dry, and I applied more hair spray hair and I sprinkled talcum powder, until it was of the desired aspect.; finally I applied some varnish.
for snow I use Woodland scenics, Snow. Its A thing called micro balloons. I looks exactly like snow and doesnt have any drawbacks. I have heard that Baking Soda can yellow over time.
I’ll try Baking soda again,in the above methods. I think i used to much glue the first time.
What about balsa wood dust?
Thanks for your help guys.
Heres a site that has a great way to do snow, I’ve only experimented with it but it works pretty good.
[:D] he Reb,did tou know the most commum use for micro baloons is to use them in resin or gelcoat to mix a paist to repaer fiberglass[:D]
cplchilly that web page is really good, thanks alot it really helped. Im off to by some Baking Soda!!.
Baking powder is what I use. It won’t yellow like the soda. Plus it has a crystaline structure that reflects light like real snow.
When you say baking powder, what exactly do you mean?
It’s the stuff in the round can. I just did a google on it and apparently Baking powder is made from baking soda, so please ignore my other post. I think the powder flows better and does have a better sparkle, but who knows. For a dollar, it’s worth trying out… I will quietly sit in a corner now.
Thanks any way, so baking soda is exactly the same?
This site explains the difference.
They are definatley not the same, the powder is made from the soda.