More Hammerhead and now Turtle!

Sharknuts’ very nice build of Fade to Black Productions’ hammerhead shark made me want one too. But after seeing the high quality of the kit firsthand, it was hastily wrapped and given as a Christmas present. So I finally got around to getting one for myself.

I just love looking at the curves of those lovely cast resin parts. Most garage type kits in the US have not been terribly impressive to me, but this one checks off all the boxes for quality. There are no instructions, but none are needed - everythng fits perfectly.

While corresponding with the seller Ed Angeletti, he sent me some photos of additional products, and in one of the photos I spied a sea turtle. When I inquired about it, he told me it was an Archelon, a giant prehistoric turtle! Cue the music (just for you Gamera!):

So anyway, I ordered one along with the shark kit. Shark. Kit. NOT Sharkit, purveyor of awful sub-optimized resin garbage kits from France!!!

The castings are just as lovely as the hammerhead, but due to the more complex nature of the shell, there are pour plugs in the sockets for the rear flippers and tail.

Nothing a motor tool with a small grinding bit can’t handle.

So anyway, I’m super jazzed by the kits. Now to mull display options. My friend who recieved the first hammerhead is planning on making a small diorama with a child standing on one side of an aquarium glass and the shark on the other side.

I loved sharknuts figure and getting one of these is on the list. That resin looks fantastic. Excellent attachment points. And the turtle! So cool. You have 2 weeks to complete. :stuck_out_tongue:

Now put on a Darth Vader costume and say it like you MEAN it! [:P] And finish by saying “…do not disappoint me, commander!”


How do you purchase these kits? I want them both!

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, oh wow oh wow!!!

Thanks for sharing the photos!


Email Ed Angeletti:

He is prompt and friendly. They are not cheap, but they are high quality. I am a fan and am looking forward to their future products.

OK I gotta go and start cleaning up the Archelon before Keavdog puts the Force choke on me!

Thanks, Real!

No problemo Hogfanfs! [Y] I hope you are as pleased with the kit(s) as I am!

I got out the motor tool this afternoon while waiting for the laundry to cycle. The sockets in the Archelon’s heinie were cleaned out without too much collateral damage. Both it and the Hammerhead got a scrub with detergent and are drying at the moment. If I don’t get ordered into the living room by my cat, I should be able to glue some parts together tonight!

The cat was yelling for me to get to the living room for quality time, but I snuck away into my room to work on the Archelon:

Fit was great, and now everything is glued together. Some slight gaps and seams will be addressed. Will I get this model covered in primer in a few days? I’d better, or Keavdog will be looking for me!

“Gamera~ Gameraaa! Tsuyoi zo Gamera, tsuyoi zo Gamera, tsuyoi zo Ga-Me-Raaaaaaaaaa!”

And now I want kits of these guys:

Especially the squiddy thing and the sea scorpion!

Subscribed. Not like I’d receive a notification. But it’s the thought that counts. I hope i don’t miss progress.

T e d

You need to remove the rear flippers and insert some red LEDs to get the proper rocket effect… [:P]

Those are awesome! If only I had a TARDIS so I could go back and watch some of them in action.

Darn it, I already super glued them in!!! [:P]

Maybe Bandai will make a Gamera kit with detachable limbs and LED rocket exhausts? I’d get that for you in a heartbeat!

I’d like to go along to take color notes! Although I think Gamera, I mean the Archelon, will be brown/light tan like a modern sea turtle. The bumpy shell invites some sea-based weathering.

That looks awesome. Nice size as well. Such fun subjects.

Lol, I have a Gammy action figure like that. You can put legs on him or a column of rocket flames.

And can’t argue with your colour choices. Assuming they lived in the same sort of environment they should have the same schemes you see on modern critters.

Excellent model! What would you say the scale is? I think the living animal was around 14 feet long? I agree with Gamera (the Good Monster, Friend to All Children [:D] ) that colors could be much like a modern sea turtle, and with the kind of pattern that helps camoflage in a shallow sea environment.


The Archelon is 1/20 scale - the same as MaK! [:D] Although it is palm-sized, being solid resin it is quite heavy. I am now thinking about an appropriate support stand. I am reluctant to just drill a hole in the C.G. of the belly as it would intrude on all that lovely detail. There is a recess in the back, but… Huh-huh-huh I said “but”. [:P]

I would have to explain a support going into the Archelon’s nether regions by saying “Uh yeah, don’t mind the wire - doctor’s orders.” (See “Caddyshack” for the reference.)

Maybe put it in a water diorama with clear resin?