Monogram PBY Completed Pics (Warning lots of Pics)

As the title states this is my 1/48 scale Cat from Monogram. Shes built almost OOB with the addition of Moskit exhausts. Hope you enjoy!

These are the pilots before I closed the pit up

very nice

Very nice indeed!!! Thanks for the look.

Excellent, excellent…puts my models to shame sob… meh, what are you gonna do…[tup]

Great looking Cat. The figures are also very well done. Nice work.


Great job, nice weathering, and I especially like the figures.

I’ve been looking for one of these kits for a long time but can’t find it. Where’s the best place to look? I’m limited to mostly internet searches. There are very few good LHSs in this part of Germany, at least i haven’t found one yet.

Again, great job. Thanks for posting.

Nice Cat !!! just finishing off an Airfix 1/72 version …that 1/48 must be huge

Wow, that’s very impressive. I really like the paint jobs on the crew, almost a shame to put the canopy on that - at least you always have a good view of the side gunners. Looks pretty good when compared tot he real thing also …

Awesome job. The Cat has always had its own stylistic beauty, and I love the Snafu Snatchers decals. One of these days I’ll splurge and buy the 1/48 kit to round out my planes of the Navy. That’s such a nice color blue. What brand/type of paint did you use? Also, how was the kit? Did you need a lot of putty?

Beautiful Cat! I’m starting the academy 1:72 version in Coastal Command colours, I hope it will turn out as nice as yours! Thanks for the look![tup]

Very nicely done Josh. Great looking Cat.

Regards, Rick

Nice build of the big cat!

The figure work in this photo is pretty good, but not nearly as good as in the first post. [;)]

Seriously, Josh, your PBY looks fantastic. The figures are espeically good, and really add life to the model.

Have you thought about displaying it on a base with simulated water, or as an in-flight display?


Fantastic work! I especially love the figures, amazing!

Oh man that looks real nice… You know what would look cool, but take up WAAAAAY too much space? hang that bad boy from the ceiling, and make a small diorama base of water with a figure in a dingy… make sure the guy in the left (port???) gun blister is looking that way, since he seems to be squinting to see something in the distance. just my[2c]

Thanks everyone! Im pretty happy with the way this build came out.
kielers, your best bet is ebay, or wait till they reissue it, i was lucky and found this one at Hobby Lobby half off sale

jeff, this thing is a monster 2 foot wingspan

mucker, the fit was great i didnt use any filler

drew good one, i plan on building a rescue dio out of this with verlinden dingy

thanks again everyone

Helluva build there…looks great!!!

Really like the close up shots.

I ahve been tracking a couple of these kits on ebay realy want to build one. Hows the interior detailing?? Did you add any PE sets???

Again great build you did the cats a big honor!!


Just a lil info all you dont have to shell out too much on Evil-bay lol revell germany is reissuing the monogram Pro-Modeler kit THIS YEAR i believe that is the one he built just a heads up for you all (and I plan on getting one myself[:-,] )

Very nice. Really does make my models look second rate…[:D]

thanks again guys!

Mucker- i used MM navy blue gray straight out of bottle

Carlos- the detail is pretty good, but if i can get another one ill definatly add several of the upgrade sets.