monogram 1/48th scale A10.

I am in need of some help.

Is there anyone out there can tell me what paint numbers are required to paint this kit . All the instructions give are the name of the colour, no clues as to wether they are humbrol, testors or tamiya paint numbers

I would greatly appreciate any help that you guys can give



Check out Don Color’s site here - he’s also got a cross reference between the FS numbers and paint manufacturers

All three colors both of the “European One” (FS34092, FS34102 and FS36081) and “Ghost Gray” (FS36320, FS36375 and FS 36118) schemes are made by Testors. Humbrol used to make the Ghost grays, but they used the terms “Dark Compass Ghost Gray” and “Light Compass Ghost Gray” (is Humbrol still around?) Tamiya even recently released the two Ghost Grays in a spray can (Testors makes an FS36118 Gunship Gray in a spray can)

Also on Don Color’s site…

Now, (shameless plug) I’m putting together a Hog group build starting 1 January. It’s a “What If” build - Have you ever asked yourself, "I wonder how the Israeli Air Force would modify it’s A-10s if they flew them? What would a Marine Corps Hog be like? A USFS firebomber? What would existing A-10s be like if the Air Force gave them an improved avionics budget? Alternate color schemes, foreign use that never happened, but keep it plausible (No Starfleet, Macross, etc).

Right now people are talking about USMC hogs, US Navy “SeaHogs”, RAF’s been mentioned as well as Swedish. Check it out over on the Group Build board if you’re interested.