mono-tone king tiger?

I was wondering if there were any king tigers (henschel turret) with a mono-tone dark yellow “camoflauge”.

There will be if you make one[:D] Seriously the camo patterns of WWII German armor was not very uniform. I am sure, although I have not seen any, there was Tigers with no camo at all. After your weather it real good, you can still make it look authentic. Good Luck!

Yes there was in the Ardennes offensive. there are several pictures in my book about the Battle of the Bulge. I dont know if its is DarkYellow but its definently a monotone.

PS> the reson i dont know what color it is is because the pictures are all black and white.

about the Ardennes tiger… what number is on the turret? Did it have zimmerit?

i checked my color profile books and only found one … no markings except for white kill rings on gun belonging to sSSPzAbt 503 early 1945

What about zimmerit? Was there any? How many kill rings on the gun? Better yet, what is the title of the book?

I respect all replies except dumb jokes (example: there were a lot of monotone king tigers, before they got camoflauge!)

Panzer Colors lll by bruce culver

s.Pz.Abt. 511 May 1945
KINGTIGER New Vanguard series by Osprey

-not completely monotone, but looks different