on hasegawas 1/48 AV-8B Harrier II plus (pt28), is the line through the length of the canopy supposed to be there or not?
Are ther two parallel lines? This usually means it is a metal frame. If not, it is a mold seam. Use a tri-grit sanding stick and a dip in Future, and it’ll be good.
If it is a squiggly line, yes it is. I am not a jet guy so maybe someone can tell exactly what that is… kind of like to know myself.[;)]… if it is a sinlge one down the middle it is more than likely a mold line.
Nope, it’s a mold seam. The only ‘lines’ on a Harrier canopy that might look odd is the det cord (mild det cord used to blow the canopy during the ejection sequence or otherwise) – which Hasegawa provides a decal for.
It should be an antenna built into the canopy material.
the squiggly lines are a decal for the detonation cord to blow the canopy in need of ejection (at least thats what i understand, i could be wrong) and the line is right down the middle, single and fairly faint. i’ve seen actual pics of f-14’s with this line in in the canopy and have read it could be an antennae or something, but no reference for harriers.
No such thing on a Harrier.
sorry jumpjet and ikar i’m a slllooowww typer.
i think i gotta go w/ jumpjetmatt seing you’re probably talking from experience!!
The line on a F-14 canopy is a “lightning strip” incase the canopy takes a lightning strike. It is not det cord or an antenna. [;)]
No it is a mold line that supposedly was necessary to get the correct shape of the canopy. The only thing that is suppose to be on that glass is the det cord to blow the canopy upon ejection and that is a decal on the sheet.
Sanding it off is not a big problem, just use graduated grits and polisher, dip in future and all will be well.