Modeling Desks

I just put together my old desk. It’s about 4’ 2" X 3’ 2", and took a lot of my modeling tools out of the box’s and this is what I ended up with. I have not sat down and realy build a model in a long time, odds and ends for my kids and all. But I have been wanting to get back FULL FORCE into it. I have this set up in my bed room " Had to BEG the wife for that one " And want to thank y’ll helping me out and reading on here I am going to get an Ari Brush “Omni 4000” and a Air Compressor to go along with it all.

Thank you all for all the GREAT reading here.

Take a look and please post some photos of your desks or work area’s.


I use to work for a Co. that made Holograms and I was working with this one and had to take one for me :slight_smile:

Looks ok, but I can tell you one thing for sure, it ain’t going to stay that neat!

I think it looks really good.

Here is my shelf noting great, I have to use the kitchen table to build at. Oh it always stays clean like that most of the time.

Great, glad your back, but there will be parts lost in that carpet… : ) … I still can’t figure out the image posting

Looks great. Very neat and tidy, with everything you need within reach.

I have a little desk in the basement with a PC nearby, and all my tools in one of those spinning tool racks.

BTW, posting pics, first get your picture URL (the address) then post it between these two tags:

[img] paste url here[ /img]

But when you do it, don’t include the space in the last /img tag.

Here is mine, its not much to look at, but its big, has plenty of room to work, and was cheap ( I built it for less than $20!)

Nevermind the mess, it normally looks a lot worse [;)]

Right now I operate out of a tackle box on the kitchen table. :slight_smile:

I’m with ya Jon, right now I have 2 tackle boxes and some Plano stowaways and use the kitchen table. I’ve got the “modeling room” but not the $$$ to do anything with it yet. But my workspace ( kitchen table ) is nice and big, and I don’t have to worry about the disaster area it might become because the wife would kill me!

When things get settled down I plan on ordering 3 of these “base models” with a few add ons.

I think we have all been there! I know when I was a kid, I ruined a coffee table from cutting parts off of the sprue with my knife, but as time moves on you will advance, out of need, or just because you can afford to or have figured out a way to with out spending much money. Good luck!

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content of this reply was deleted by me to clean the clutter out of Dubau’s topic thread.

content of this reply was deleted by me to clean the clutter out of Dubau’s topic thread. Anyways, have fun modelling, it’s a great hobby!

OK this is what I was told to do for posting pics on here.

  1. Go to this web site and join it, it’s FREE and log on.

  2. After you log on go to " My Album and upload you pics.

  3. After you have uploaded your pics you will see them at the bottom of your screen. There are 3 things under each pic, copy and paste the last one " IMG " on here.

That should work

Good Luck


content of this reply was deleted by me to clean the clutter out of Dubau’s topic thread. Dubau, sorry for glogging your topic with these ‘tests’. I should have used the testing area for these. Thanks for the help.

That’s np at all my friend. I did the same thing on another topic heheh, But it seens that you still can’t get your pic up. Did you do eveything I said ?


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Look under Uodate Profile and click YES to all of them that’s what I have. It should have worked


Sprue One, here’s your pic, try looking at your typing again. Has nothing to do with being a subscriber or forum settings. Good luck.

Thanks, AH1Wsnake. I heard that using SAFARI is a problem. content of this reply was deleted by me to clean the clutter out of Dubau’s topic thread.

Well any how, Nice Desk :):):slight_smile:
