I know i have seen some kind of supports you all use in your booths to put your models on while spraying. I havent found anything suitable. I use a little kitchen lazy susan to spin it around, but i would like something i can put or hang the model on, while spraying
Depends what you’re painting…
I’ve used the lazy susan thing with a car body stuck to the top of a spray can with blu-tac. Or just use a bent coat hanger stuck to the insides of the car body.
I’ve painted planes by sticking the coat hangar into whatever holes could be found - gear wells, slots for the wings, slots for the engines - every model is different, really.
A square (6" x 6") piece of plywood with a short length of dowel screwed into it also provides a great painting stand.
Really, your are only limited by your imagination or need.
As Lee said a coat hangar will work and for small parts you can put a piece of fun tack or double sided tape on the hangar and stick the small part too it
I just saw something at our last club meeting that was one of those ‘why didn’t I think of that’ things. One of the guys had taken a piece of 2X4 and glued a chunk of foam (like from a foam mattress) onto the board. He had cut it slightly oversized so that when he compressed it and put the car body on it, it would spring back and hold the model securely while painting. Then you can put that on your lazy susan or whatever you want. I thought that was a great idea and am going to put something like that together for myself.
I took a piece of coat hanger wire and mad a rectangle, bent it in the mddle 90 degrees and voila! One model painting platform! Make 'em any size you need.