mineral sprits for MM paints

just wondering how does mineral sprits react to model master paints for thining for air brushing need to make a supply run today before i start painting my tomcat. thanks rob[:D][:D]

Mineral spirits works very well with MM enamels for both airbrushing or washes. About all I use for thinning them.

Regards, Rick

Same here

You are better off with lacquer thinner.

I agree with Swanny all I use is lacquer thinner for airbrushing.

Not to argue with Swanny or Mark, but Lacquer thinner is pretty hot & can give a grainy finish if you aren’t real precise on your thinning ratios &/or spray with the AB too far from the model. I use Lacquer thinner for cleaning the AB after use or run some through between different colors & it’s the best thing to use for that purpose.

Regards, Rick