Micro Sol killed my Future coat!!

Was applying Aeromaster decals to my NMF Hasegawa 1/48 P-47D. First time I’ve done NMF, and I spent a lot of time getting a baby-bottom smooth finish. I was very happy with myself, the finish looked great

The finish is Tamiya Silver Leaf lacquer with a good coat of Future gloss coat. I applied the tail numbers with Micro Set, then try to get them to snug down with Micro Sol. BUT the carrier film on the decals TURNS a RED-BROWN color. WTF?!? It’s not clear! Never seen this before…

So I try a bit more Micro Sol. And a bit more. And the stain gets worse!. SO I decide to remove the decal, and it leaves brown residue all over, it ate right into the Future coat. I had to strip the Future coat off completely with Windex and start over. Needless to say, I am not a happy camper right now.

The national insignia and the plane number did the same thing. I didn’t apply as much Micro Sol to them, and left them in place. After about an hour, the brown went away, and the carrier film disappeared like it was supposed to.

Does Micro Sol eat Future? All the FAQs on the net say it is safe, but I saw with my own eyes today that is most definitely not true in all case… If this is a problem, what can I do to prevent this, or should I try another decal setting solution?



Yes, MicroSol and Micro Set will attack Future…especially if you haven’t let the Future cure (I generally let it set at least a week) or if you use too much setting solution. I’ve had it happen, although I’ve never had the red-brown problem you’ve experienced. Best thing to do is let it dry, lightly sand it with 1500 or 2000 grit paper, and re-spray it. Jeff

Are there any other setting solutions that don’t attack Future? Thanks!

Not that have a formula that’s different than what you’re using. The key is to let the Future dry, or use another gloss coat, like Testor’s, something that’s enamel based.


I’m sure that my mistake was not letting the Future cure fully. Also, the decals I waited on and didn’t soak in Micro Sol eventually turned clear, and didn’t eat the Future.

Live and learn. Nice thing about Future is that mistakes are 100% reversible.

I use Microsol and Set all the time with Future and haven’t had any major problems. The first thing, as Jeff said, is give it at least 24 to 48 hours (or even more depending on humidity and temp in your area to cure.) They almost ALWAYS turn the future hazy, sometimes I have seen a copperish color (similar to your red brown perhaps) when decaling over future sprayed on a NMF. But 99% of the time if you wait an hour or so the haze dissapears. If it doesn’t, wait till the next day and some more Future on top will kill the haze if it hasn’t totally disappeared by then.

Mr.Mark Softer By Gunze-Sangyo does not attack future. even if the future is dried by a minimum 24 hrs. it is completely safe and it has never failed me. never went back to Micro Set after that

Hello guys…

I think that you don’t wait for the future cure. I use Future over a subaru impreza rally car, wait for two days for apply decals with a lot of micro set first and after micro sol, wait for another 2 days, wash the model and spray future again.

The model looks very nice and the micro sol didn’t attack the future coat…



Agreed, you have to wait at least 24 hrs. I’ve used future and microsol for awhile now and never had the problem you described. I also wait 2-3 days for the future to cure but thats just me. The end results are terrific though.