From the modelling ideas department, I thought some of you might be interested in a picture of the US Navy MH-60S Armed Helo that is in development. There was a rollout ceremony at Patuxent River NAS last month that I was fortunate to be able to attend. Below is a pic from the press release. In addition to Hellfire missiles on the wings, it had an M240 in each window, a GAU-16 in one door and a GAU-21 in the other door. It can’t use all four guns at the same time, but it looked pretty scary. It also had cabin floor armor. Note the green wings borrowed from the Army for the occasion. It’s supposed to get to the fleet in late 2006.
I’m thinking a 1/48 or even a 1/35 conversion from a Blackhawk kit wouldn’t be too difficult and would look pretty neat.
BTW, don’t you just love the artsy picture? It rained all morning during the ceremony but by afternoon there wasn’t a cloud to be seen.
so thats how you got the split view. i figured you used a some type of filter on your camera lens to get that shot. now which model company is going to be the frist for a kit of this. i hate to see that thing in my rear view mirror[:D]
COOL!!! Time to find some Blackhawk kits!!! Break out the razor saw, and get to work! That thing is cool, not more Blackhawk Down!!! I think Cobra Company has a conversion kit right now…not sure, check out this link www.cobracompany.com ? somethin like that.
Seriously, check out the doors and the position on the tail wheel. The basic airframe looks like it has more in common with land based S-70s the the Seahawk line.
This should be a pretty easy conversion from the DAP kit. It already has the wings. The radar would be easy to do as well as the cutouts on the foreward edge of the cargo doors. the MH-60S is basically the same externally as the MH-60L. The only real trouble I see in the conversion would be the folding rotor head.
By the way, the Navy is already using the 240’s for the standard crew served weapon. You can use that on the R as well. I would really like to get my hands on the GAU-16 though.
As far as I know, the Armed Helo is going to be a mission kit, so any Sierra can be changed to the AH configuration as required. Any unit which operates the MH-60S will have some kits. I have a bigger copy of the pic I posted, I can send it to you.
Mac is correct in that the MH-60S is based on the MH-60L airframe, so it should be a straightforward conversion. Cobra Company has detail set for the SH-60B/F which I think includes a rotor head, so that should not be a problem.
That thing looks pretty mean…but if I may ask… why do the little “squiddies” need an attack helo when we have something called MARINE CORPS AVIATION?? [:D] They have already begun upgrading cobras to the Zulu standard, which I’m sure could beat the pants off this seahawk. Seems like the naval dept should be concentrating on the H-1 upgrades. I’ll admit it’s a cool idea…especially a modelling subject…but I guess I’m always game for a little inter-service rivalry. [:(!]
Come on Snake us squids would never want to muscle in on your territory. However for CSAR/SPECWAR we need a bird like the H-60. last year I was deployed to Iraq (BIAP and Balad) with HCS-5 (a Navy squadron). We opperate HH-60H helos, we have flown SEALS, Army Special Forces, Polish GROM Commandos, and US Marine Special forces. Our birds are armed with Gau-17 miniguns, M240s, and Hellfire missiles. A 60 will never be a tank buster, but if specops guys need a ride or a pilot is down a seahawk is better than a Cobra.
Gotta give you props on the CSAR mission, Ordie. I’d love to stand up and say that the UH-1N could handle that, but Marine hueys are hurting these days. They struggle in the hot & heavy environment and just completely lack power. Down in Haiti, the Army’s 60’s absolutely flew circles around our hueys with power to spare. The UH-1Y modded birds can’t get to the fleet quick enough!
Just wanted to rib you squids a little , lol [;)]
I was just thinking that the weather radar from the OPS boys may be a good starting point for the junk under the Sikorsky trunk on the S. I may be remembering wrong, but I thought the DAPS had weather radar; or is that just on the K?
I think the MH-60L has a color weather radar, similar to the Air Force’s HH-60Gs. The MH-60K uses a multi-mode radar (APQ-174B) for terrain following/avoidance, ground mapping and weather detection. I believe the MH-47 uses that same radar as well.
You mentioned the HH-60H, I am building one for the Attack Helo Group Build. Is there a typical configuration for crew served guns or does it vary with the mission? M240 or GAU-17? Did you ever use a starboard side weapon or does it block access to the cabin too much? I’d like to build a configuration that would actually be used. Any insight would be appreciated.
A little off topic, but on New Year’s Day during the Rose parade heard a reference to a civilian version of the 60 called the Firehawk. Anybody out there have any details or picture’s?
The three ship L.A. Co. Fire fly-by with two of the Firehawks was almost as cool as the mil fly-over. First time I recall them doing that. If they add a new flight each year, pretty soon it will be the Rose Air Show. Which might actually get me out of bed that early. Last summer one of the pilot’s told me they really like them and wanted to get a third. But the county said they would have to let go of one of the older Bell’s first. I don’t know if they did that or not, but apparently they did get a third. And I believe L.A. Co. is still the only agency using them so far. One of them also mentioned they pushed to get them delivered in basic Navy gray, but they didn’t go for it. Not sure why they thought that would be better, but it sounded like he thought it was too hard keeping the glossy finish nice.
FYI… I have a walk-around of one on my heli CD.
And Phil… Yeah, if you get a chance, please e-mail me a copy of the big pic at dpdpro@aol.com
I was puzzled at first, because of the use of an S model. But now I remember how the CONOPS reorganization will work. Each group is supposed to have eight 60S’s in what they will call an HSC unit.
hey Par429
we would normally have one bird configured for the GAU-17 system, this bird would be used to provide suppression fire or escort other helos such as MH-53s. because the system adds weight to the bird with about 8,000 rounds,ammo cans, gun mounts, and the actual miniguns. it was hardly ever used for logistics. the starboard mount does go across the stabaord door but it has a quick release feature that alows the whole mount to swing out, it also allows for the mount and gun to be stowed in side the helo. A M240 bird would be used for almost any other mission. if you are going to build your 60 with hellfire missiles, you have to use M240s. This is because part of the GAU system bolts to where the extended pylon is located. However on some training flights we sometimes install a Gau-17 on one side and a M240 on the other. I hope this helps sorry i couldn’t be more open about specific missions and weapon configurations. I haven’t fiured out how to post pics but i will ASAP.