This really has no purpose, but i am wondering if i am the only person who paints armor with only a brush, not an airbrush. Cuz it seems so. I wanna do a kind of poll so if you use a brush say so and if you use an airbrush say so (i am bored at the moment [:p])
Well i have only done 5 models to date. An A-10,F-4, M-41, M1A1, and i am almost done a M2. They all sucked [xx(] except my Abrams which got destroyed when i took it to highschool one day for an english presentation. The only one i am really proud of is the M2(even though it is built straigt from the box) which i will be done with in a few days, ill see if i can borrow a friends digital camera and get some photos up. I am planning on spending a great deal more time and effort into my next project and i plan on scratchbuilding quite a few things for the paladin, namely the faasv for it so ill definately put pics of that up, and it will of course be painted with a brush. So… thats it
For years I brushed all my models, but then one day I noticed the cammo wasn’t feathered and just looked like crap compared to what you see in magazines etc. I then purchased a Badger 350 and played around with it . The results were immediate. No brush marks! It was hard to get fine cammo lines with it , so I purchased and Aztek. Like others, I too, had problems with it. Now I moved on to a Badger 200 and am looking forward to what I can do with it. All I usually brush are the tools and the rubber on the road wheels.
All brushpainting, with the occasional spray can for primering. Call me kooky, but it works great for me on my 1/72 armor and figures. And I’m getting pretty good applying camo schemes with colored pastels, so I doubt I’ll ever buy an airbrush, unless I go back to 1/35 armor again…
I use a brush to paint my models (they come out okay; brushes are good for splinter camo). Tommorow i’m getting an aztek airbrush. Great deal on ebay because it was marked wrong. So far I’ve done an M60A1, LAV-AT, Tiger 1 early, and a Panther A w/o zimmerit. all my models are out of the box and painted with a brush.
I use only brushes, but since i do mainly 1/72 armor and ww1 planes, you cant see the brush strokes at all. My models come out looking pretty good, but nothing like the stuff in the magazine, but then again i don’t think i can blame the equipment for that
Used to brush, then switched to cans, now it’s all airbrush.
You just get more control over all aspects of the painting, from color mixing to texture to weathering.
tiger dude, you traitor, jeez switchin to airbrush, whats up with people these days? j/k
All you wooooooooosies, wah its too hard to brush paint wahhhhhhhhhhh, i use an airbrush wahhhhh! [:D] J/k, i wish i could afford an airbrush. I dont get brush marks though, guess its cuz i thin my paint so much, maybe too much, takes a lot of coats, i mean a lot, in fact that is why it takes me forever to finish a model [:p]
Heck, if you can get great results brushing, I reckon you don’t need an airbrush, eh?
I couldn’t, so I got one!
Just as an aside, it’s actually quite fun!