I will soon be starting the Revellogram Bf 110G-2 and have been looking for referance material. Warbirds Resource Group was no help. Apparently this is not a popular aircraft as I haven’t had much luck. Lots of pages all the same pics. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I have seen a lot of built-ups of this kit on the net and believe I can make a respectable showing on it. The kit come with 3 nose cones and 2 sprues of clear (did I get a spare?) and I am considering a differant version than the G-2
I built the 110 about a year ago, it makes up into a good looking model. I was going to pass on some reference material to you, but I’m afraid I can’t find it now, sorry. Maybe I borrowed some at the time, I can’t remember. The old wossname, er, memory, must be going. Good luck with yours though.
I have that exact same kit and just haven’t started it yet… I couldn’t find much on the web, but I haven’t looked for it much yet. I will probably buy the squadron walkaround and in action books for reference material when I get ready to start it…
Hey Claymore,
Here’s a few links that you may have run across, but…
This is a page from IPMS Stockholm’s site showing the 110C-4 Nightfighter at the Royal Air Force Museum in Hendon, England:
Kit review for Bf 110G-4 (same basic kit as the G-2):
I think this is a Finnish site, not too much here that’s useful to the casual modeler but some interesting photos:
This is a walkaround of a G-4. (Same a/c as on the IPMS Stockholm site, but lots more photos.) The photos aren’t the greatest res, but a decent selection:
I’ll try and find some more webstuff, and I haven’t even looked in my archives yet. What specifically are you lookin’ for? Detail shots? Overall shots? Colors and markings? Eye Candy?
All of the above? [:p]
Fade to Black…
Dear Vermont,
being a Dutchmen myself I can tell you that the language isn’t dutch(or Imust have forget to read it) it more some kind of scandinavian language.
try http://www.luftarchiv.de/
here you find information about most luftwaffe planes
judging from the .dk in the address the language is Danish.
Are the dutch not considered scandinavian???..or european???
Do they speak something like german…or what???
Interesting sideline…lol
The Dutch wouldn’t be considered scandinavian.
They speak Dutch which is similar to Old English and German.
The original Saxons were from that part of europe and that is why a lot of English,
Dutch and German words are similar…
It is also why most Dutch and Germans speak almost fluent English and it helps with the tourists down the red light district!!!
Wow…forgive me
just something found from a search and I saw all those "k"s
Thanks for all the help guys. I am currently thinking of doing it one of Herr Wolfgang Falck’s A/C from Nachtjagdgeschwader l although I’d have to do some serious back dating.
One thing I have noticed from wartime photos is that there is always extreme exhaust staining but almost none from the guns.
I’m kicking myself now. There used to be a refurbished, flying 110 up the road in the warbird museum. They moved it about a year ago to another museum in the Southwest.
We never appreciate the things we love till they’re gone. All the photos I could have taken… They are cuurently working on a 208 (?) last time I was up there. Had it all stripped out and sitting in boxes. Nothing but the fuselage was together.
Claymore, I’ve got a book about Falck, I should be able to get some stuff outta there for 'ya.
Fade to Black…
I remember seeing pictures of a !!0 in Aeroplane monthly being rebuilt in Germany, Berlin I think, a technical museum? it’s supposed to be the most complete one in the world. I’d never heard of another in the USA, much less a flying one, Maybe you meant a Heinkel 111, renarts? Thats one of the spanish built ones, a CASA 2-111. There’s another He111 being rebuilt in Germany too.
Ya know…you could be right? I will check next time I’m up there. They are getting pretty used to me crawling around the aircraft now.
I’m a tread head by choice and the aircraft side is just starting to come out. I can recognize alot of the stuff but some of it is still just numbers and markings to me.
I know that the Hendon 110 is the only complete one at the moment and wasn’t
aware of any others under restoration.
Does anyone know how many He162 Salamanders there are floating around?
I have seen one in Paris and another in Hendon.
It seems lhe rarer aircraft are everywhere, but no one has a real FW190 D9 or a
A6 Zero, built in greater numbers.
Fw 190s and Mitsubishi A6s were also shot down in large numbers. 190s over a continent that had been at war for years so some wreckage probably ended up in a farmers roof, and Zeros were shot down over water mostly.
The AF museum in Dayton has a D9. I’ve got a couple of pictures of it. It’s roped off in a dark corner so it is hard to get any good pictures. I thought they had a 162 also, but I couldn’t find a picture.
Falck’s A/C is out because i’m not gonna do a major backdate on a G to a B or C when there is a B/C kit avaliable. I did find an interesting all white G from the Russian front, “Wespen” sqdn., just need to hunt up the decals. I’m thinking of adding an Aires engine (or two) with Moskit hollow metal exhaust and FM details and either the Aires cockpit (resin/PE) or the Eduard detail set (cockpit, wheel wells, etc.) Also considering the Aires gun bay and doing a dio of the A/C getting serviced. Need figures though, pilot, gunner, and 6 or so ground crew.