Can anybody tell me how the seat harnesses are placed in the Me109E3?, it seems to me that they are different from later versions of the 109…
thank you in advanced
Can anybody tell me how the seat harnesses are placed in the Me109E3?, it seems to me that they are different from later versions of the 109…
thank you in advanced
Off the top of my head, I think the E had a bucket seat with the shoulder harness coming thru a slot in the back of the seat, whereas the later marks had the harness attached at two points on the edge of the deck behind a sheetmetal seat.
Wow deja vu LOL
I had the same quandry. All of the pics I found of the seats on the E3 show the harnesses running through a slot in the back of the seat. Just below the upper edge of the seat back. The clincher for me was a war time photo I found in a book in the library that looked like it was shot by a guy standing on the wing looking down into the cockpit. You could clearly see the the slot and the harness straps feeding through it.
Alot of the guys here on the forum confirmed it as well.
Okay, this isn’t the best angle, but I have a CD that Tamia put out with 109 details. This is a still from a Quicktime that was apparently taken with a snorkel camera ON the seat looking up: