very good dragan, i’ve always wanted to do a large scale model of a 262, never have ! looks like the paint job is hard !!!..ian
my friend was on that airshow and he said that that me 262 doesn’t have original motors but some others ! Any more info about that ?
If this is one of the Texas Airplane Factory’s 262’s, the engines should be Pratt JT-15s. It was written up a few years ago in, I believe, Air Classics, about how they had to construct nacelles to hold the modern engines, but found they had to add weights to get them to the original Jumo engine weight to preserve the CG. The Pratts have so much more thrust than the Junkers that it should be one hot ride, even at the original weight!
heres their website they have a huge gallery of the 262s throughout their construction
Stormbirds is in Everett, Washington, not Texas. It’s an all new airplane, though built from drawings the Stormbirds people made while restoring the Me-262 that belongs to the Marine Corps Museum. They are making brand new duplicates of the original with newer engines. They realized that building new Jumo engines would not only be very expensive, but those 1st generation jet engines were unreliable.
That was cool…if only I could afford one!
There is a company selling Fw-190 replicas too. The engine is a Chinese copy of the BMW 801. I believe they use a lot of fiberglass in the Fw-190 replica though.
The Me-262s are the same as the original except the engines, and probably some of the electronics.
That was cool!!! [tup]
Great find Dragan! To actually see one fly is quite something! Thanks!
Very cool!
I just think it’s so cool that there are folks out there that think this is important enough to put on a LIVE newscast. Now that’s good television!
I visited StormBirds last year … took a lot of photos of 262s under construction and interviewed rthe key players. I still need to write the article, though. It was an awesome experience. I have some shots of the new engines carried in a shell shaped like the old Jumos.