ME 109G office

I recently went over to my brothers place and raided his cupboard of old, unstarted kits, in trade for assembling a replica of a Cessna 150 he did his solo in… Among these was an ME109 Gustav of Revell origin. Its the so-called ‘premium’ kit, which has various parts cast in white metal for some bizarre reason. Anyway, the cockpit is of typical Revell standards, i.e. it looks great, when squinting at it through the closed canopy in the dark wearing shades. My question is the following: Who makes a nice resin/photo etched version? I’m also on the market for a decent canopy, as the kind packaging people forgot to put one in the box…


I want to say either True Details or KMC did an interior for a Gustav variant. Which variant I am not sure of.
I know I have an interior for it but as of now, I cant seem to find it[:(].
Flaps up,Mike