Ok just wondering, I always have trouble masking, I usually use the 3M blue to mask but always seem to get leakage under the tape. If I apply future first will that help at all or make it look wierd lol, I’m talking about masking like on the delta or luftansa undercarriage.
First off, burnish the edge of the tape down on the model until all the texture on the top tape surface is gone. I use a jeweler’s burnishing tool, but any firm, smooth object will do. For large areas, the tool used for rub-on markings works well. You can also use the back end of an aluminum hobby knife handle (take the blade out first!)
You can try Scotch Magic Tape, Parafilm M, Friskett film, or Bare Metal Foil (BMF). I think the November 2005 FSM had a Reader Tip on using thin strips of BMF with masking tape.
Wider strips of Zip-a-Line or similar products can also be used for this—less expensive than BMF, but harder to find.
I cut new edges on the masking tape before application. I don’t know if that will help you, as it is intended to get rid of the fuzz that inevitably collects on the edges of a role of tape, therefor creating a finer line, too.
Just wanting to make sure I understand how do you mean brace. Put something from less say top to bottem, If so what is the best thing to use.
Eh?… What “brace”? [%-)]