married and modeling, well sort of

Hi everyone,

My name is Darren and I’ve been building models since the age of nine. Almost 22 years now (ouch!!). I love to build 1/48 and 1/32 aircraft of the 60’s and 70’s mostly. Once and a while I will slap a car together for a change of pace.

I don’t consider myself to be an active modeler due to the fact that i’ve only completed 3 projects over the last 10 years. Strangely enough that’s right around the time that I got married and had kids. I enjoy superdetailing my kits and doing a lot of scratch building. I don’t use too many aftermarket parts so it usually takes me a long time to complete something. With little ones running around this presents a few problems. I try to sneek a few hours here and there when I can.

Paint and decals are my favorite part of modeling. This is what seperates the good models from the great ones in my opinion. Well I look forward to learning new tricks from my felow model builders.

Happy New Year

Hi Darren, don’t feel bad that you have 3 completed in 10 years. I don’t have any kids and I don’t complete that many. I do the same as you, like to research and super-detail my subjects.So, every once in a while I slap a car together also.
