I was so bord today and decided to mess around winth my models.I finished painting and was messing around and found an old canopy from a model I built a long time ago a FW-190.I took my hobby knife and started poking at it.Hear is what I did.I layed it to the side on the corner and light real lightly pounded the top of the handle with the palm of my hand.the tip of the knife made a little hole with small cracks.once I found this out I had to tell someone![ I took my detail brush and diped it in some red paint to simulate blood.so anybody looking to do battle worn planes I think this will help![:D]-brad
does it look realistic? because it sounds cool
I used to do that with a hot pin, after the hole was made I cleaned it up and using a larger very sharp needle I would make scratches to simulate cracked glass…it looked very real.
that sounds great i will have to try it. thanks.
Hey Joe,
About a thousand years ago I did it to an He111 ( white camo, Russian front)and it looked really sharp…good luck.
when I did it the pounding of the knife made the cracks so you dont have the trouble of making them.Also make sure that your knife has a sharp point or not one with the tip broken off.I used a testers hobby knife they sell them at wal-mart.when you pound the knife in,spin it abut 2 times so it makes a hole not a crack.good luck!-brad