Mack Cement Truck

Here is a super nice build of a Mack Cement Truck that a friend of mine built. This was built by John Wilson in Masterton, New Zealand. He did a super job on this build and I thought you might like to see it.

Thats a brilliant job hes done. Do you have any idea what scale it is? Looks possibly like a 1:25th.

Interesting. I have never seen that color combination before. Nice build very clean.

Nice looking build. Question though. What would it need the two front axles for? I spend a good bit of time around concrete trucks and have never seen that around here is why i am asking. I know on larger trucks like cranes and pump trucks it helps getting it to turn but I did not think it was that big of an issue with a concrete truck. Just wondering.

My guess for the extra axle is the weight, cement trucks have a very high front axle rating, US DOT allows an exemption on front axle weight just for cement mixers (IIRC front axle is normally 12,000 lbs, but its 20,000 for cement mixers). They often have much wider tires on the front than the rear to support the weight. So possibly not all countries allow the extra weight up front or some places put an extra axle up front for longer life? Just a guess on my part, maybe the builder just thought it looked cool. [:)]

Anyway the truck looks great, and the dual front axle is different.

Great looking build!!

I remember building that kit when I was a kid, except with a single front axle. I think it was a 1/25 MPC kit and I bought it at the Mack truck dealer down the street from where I lived for somethng like 14 dollars.

is that modeled after a real truck or is that his own doing great job either way