Has anyone built an M901 ITV?. If so, please let me know what kit you used and any problems or hints you can give would be appreciated.
i have i built the one from italeri its not bad the onty thing i didnt use was the tracks i used the tracks fron a m113 from tamiya
I built up one of the Italie kits the outside is fair but the interds are empty. So if you to do the inside you will need ether to buld one up from scrace or get one of the after market kits.One thing the MG mount is empty and there is no M-60 or such to mount so that also needs to fixed.For some real good interor photoes check out Maj rob motor pool on Armorama.com
Thanks for the reply…By chance do you folks have a kit numbe for the model?. Also, how does one build the interior. I have pics of the interior (was in Cav unit on ITV) but dont have the foggest idea of how to scratch build. Would appreciate the input.
I used 2 Italeri kits M133A1 and the M901 you get alot of spare parts that way but it works out great. Happy Modeling
Good luck, Stephen
Sorry the kit numbers are#276 M113A1 And the M901 kit is oop But you can use kit #263 LAV-25 for your tow launcher it will fit right in the cupola hole in the M113A1
Great Modeling
doesn’t academy make an m109 as well? their m113 kits are good all around.
I think you mean M901 not M109 (that is a 155mm howitzer). No, Academy make an M981 FIST-V. Based on the same vehicle and they look alike, except for the two external fuel cells and the lack of TOW missile ports on the hammerhead.
here. You may be intrested in this. The auction will close before you get this, but it will give you an idea at least.
As for the interior:
Try Eduards’ PHOTO-ETCHED DETAIL kit, number 35390
Its an ACAV interior for a Tamiya M113 but i’m sure it can be kit bashed to work on anything.
It can be picked up for $16 here:
and cross referanced on Eduras site here:
If you click on the instruction sheet link you can download the instructions and see exactly what the kit consists of.