M38A1 (1950's) Willy's Jeep Kit

Looking for a 1/35 Kit for a M38A1 Jeep typical of the Korean era. I have searched the web both US and foriegn suppliers and no soap. Can anyone tell me if a kit exists? Also need 1/35 US Korean War winter dressed troops and Korean civilians. Appreciate it.

Yes, a kit exists of the M38A1 Jeep. It was orginally made by Skybow and more recently reissued by AFV Club. They made two versions of the kit, the plain .50 cal armed gun Jeep and the 106mm recoilless rifle armed M38A1C. One of the nicest Jeep kits available.

Dragon does a set of Korean War GIs in winter wardrobe.


Thanks for the feedback. I saw the Skybow model and tried to purchase one, but could’nt find a supplier. Now that you’ve told me about AVL I’ll give them a try. I built a Tamiya WWII version kit and it looked good, but did not fit my bill. The most difficult part is in obtaining the Korean winter troops. I want non-combat positions with winter gear. The heavy parka and poncho drapped infantry of that era are not to be found. Trying to modify winter dress for 1/35 troops of that timeframe is a bear.

PS: It appears from your photo that you may be active army or maybe a vet. I belong to a Vet/active army group named BUSAVA (Brotherhood of United States Army Veterans Association. In June we are having our 2006 reunion in Louisville and have been invited by the 15th Cav (I’m not sure this is the correct unit) to visit Ft Knox. We are a new organization looking for new members. You may want to take a look at us at www.brotherhood-usava.us. Thanks again Rob

http://www.squadron.com/ItemDetails.asp?item=DR6802 Here are the Chosin figures in winter garb. Squadron has the M38A1 out of stock, but the 106mm one is there.


Look at Michigan Discount Hobbies for the kit. That is where I got mine. He’s pretty good with delivering kits quickly.


I haven’t built it, but it looks good.



Thanks for the info on Michigan Discount Models, they had my M38. I spoke to Mark the owner for quite awhile, it appears he’s got the suppliers for just about all military needs. I suggest anyone to visit his web site www.discountmodels.com for a looksee. The M38 is a AFV kit of which I’ve built an AFV M41 containing well defined detail with little cleanup needed.


He’s a very good vendor at shows too. There is always a good amount of stuff to thumb through to make a good model a better one. Good luck with the kit.


You will find the M38 a little better in quality than the AFV kit since it was originally the Skybow M38. Much like the original Skybow M41 was better than the AFV M41. Don’t get me wrong, most AFV Club kits are really nice. I have most of their line.

say Rob [#offtopic]but were you ever at ft devens or hanscom afb in massachusetts ?

Yes, just left there in Jan 2005.