Here’s a few pics of my latest in progress. It’s an M32 B3 T.R.V. This is a combination of 2 Italeri kits, their M32 (which is really an M32 B1) and their M4A3 Sherman kits. Eduard M4A3 Sherman PE rounds out this project. The turret is from my other ongoing project that I will post about at a later date. This project is a first for a couple of reasons. It was the first run for the new Paasche H Airbrush and it was the first time I tried controlled lighting instead of a flash with my camera.
Any comments about the model or the photography will be greatly appreciated.
Very nice! Was all that crane gear in the kit, or did you scratch some of it? Lools like the new airbrush is working fine. Easy to use?
The grimy turret basket looks great. Look forward to hearing more about that project.
What tracks are you gonna slap on the M32?
The photos look great, too. Some appear a little dark (the 3rd and 4th shots), but that could just be my crap computer’s problem.
Thank you for your kind comments.
Brian - All the rigging comes with the M32 kit, it just needed to be rearranged a bit to build the B3 model. The Paasche Airbrush is really quite easy to use, it is a single action airbrush which is about all that I have ever really needed. It comes with three different size tips so a person can really control it enough to do camo. As far as tracks go, I have a set of indy rubber chevron tracks left over from DML’s M4A1 that I’m going to use on this beast. Pic 3 is just a little darker on my computer so reach out and slap your monitor once or twice. LOL
Dom - No dios for me…insufficient space…maybe a vignette but most likely just static display…we’ll see.
Will keep you posted on progress.
Looks great. I built the Italeri M32 SOB a couple of years ago (if ten is a couple[:I]) then last year I gave it a facelift using lots of mud and equipment to hide the mistakes of old.
Where did you get your references from I could find very little. I did stumble across a web site that had pics of alot of different types of AFV interiors and one was the M32.
Nice job on both the model and the photography. I had planned on building an M-74 (is that correct?) based on an -A3E8 chassis and the Testors kit, but I never got around to it. There’s a nice color pic of one in grey (German) in an old “The Tank Magazine” that I have had lying around for a few years.
I’d like to hear more about your “controlled lighting” experiments. What kind of lighting did you use? Are you using a digital camera? I made the switch to digital years ago, and it’s a lot of fun.
Thanks again for the kind comments I guess I’ll have to follow Derek over to the Feedback Forum to see what idea sprang up.
Trevor - the old M32 kit from Italeri is still an excellent build for a kit, but unfortunately no one seems to be able to find anything on the late model M4A1 hull being used as a TRV during W.W.II. It is actually a post war production M32 B1. The site that you found is probably AFV Interiors and is an excellent site to visit. I did find a few other pics of M32 variants on another site but the name escapes me and I did have anothre modeller send me some pics from Italy of some that served there after W.W.II.
Fitter - Yup M74 is correct, looks like it would be an interesting build. The controlled lighting that I used where 2 150W halogen spot lights positioned in front of the model about 2 feet distant and a 100W desk lamp positioned above the model. The blue backdrop was used because there is no blue in the finished model so all the colours should stand out. I used a digital camera (Kodak CX4230 EasyShare) set to close up and turned the flash off. By using the lighting surrounding the model a lot of shadow was removed and no worries about the flash distorting the pictures.
Very excellent model and not bad on your first at artificial lighting. I would however, not set the camera to close up mode as that severely limits your depth of field. Unless that is what you want. The blue screen is nice as you can use photoshop to put a different background in if you like.
I would also use photoshop or similar to add a touch of sharpening and maybe more contrast. But for in work pic’s they are very good.
The model looks outstanding. Wonderful job, and the photos are good also. The only thing I see is the the 2nd pic I would have set my f stop to 22 (or the highest f stop you have on the lens). If you would have done that everything in the pic would be sharp. Again great job on the model.
Thanks for the pic tips marine1 & adws. I can certainly change the closeup mode with this camera but alas not an f-stop in sight. I’ll continue to gather in all the tips I can to improve my pics as this new turf for me.
Thanks for the compliments on my M32. I’ll keep you posted as to progress with both the models and the photography.