M26 Pershing

I am working on the Tamiya version of this. So far OK, working on the tracks and lower hull. When dryfitting last night, I noticed there may be a fit problem between the upper and lower hull, anyone experience this before and if so, any solutions?

i remember building the kit, but i don’t recall a fit problem. where is the fit problem exactly?

I recently built this kit and don’t remember any problems. Maybe something is out of place?

I thought it was a nice fitting kit, not sure where the problem lies…

show when you get it finished. Always have liked this tank.

I do not see the problem.

I also have built this tank and converted it to the superpershing and did not encounter any problems of any kind,it practicaly built itself.

My Pershing went together with no problems. Like Kaleu mentioned, maybe you have assembled some part wrong that may be causing the fit problem. Hope you resolve your problem it’s a real nice kit. Semper Fi, mike

superpershing? never heard of that…

Here comes google!

An extended 90mm gun,extra armour cut from a panther,gun stabalizers and a turret counter weight. A turret roof hatch also had to be changed.

Super Pershing ? now there’s something you don’t see everyday. Nice job Russ. Semper Fi, mike

Nice work on the Super Pershing, Sasd!
Nice way to show off the workable suspension!

hey Russ!

Don’t take this the wrong way, your build on the “super” is truly super, but that is one ugly #@!$&* tank!


what did you use for the Super Pershing
ive seen the Accurate Armour conversion but it costs more than the kit itself

I’d have to agree!
Kind of a “Frankentank.”
Or would that be “Tankenstein?”
Either way, it’s a monster!

I just got this kit for Christmas but haven’t messed with it yet. I’ll have to keep on the lookout for this.

That is a really kick arse tank! Did a little google search on it and came up with a neat story about the “SuperPershing” vs. a Tiger II ! w00t!


check it out…

Sorry NSC,didnt mean to hog the limelite,not my style! Sorry guys,I was waiting for some of you to ask if this is the Accurate conversion,its
scratchbuilt using the Tamiya kit,the gun barrel(I love this part) was turned on a huge lathe by a friend of mine,a superb job,straight as an arrow it is! Yes it is ugly,but maybe thats what the American forces had in mind! It is quite a contraversial story,Ive heard that this tank never encountered the beast it was made to take on,who knows,ya had to be there!

Hey! Great story. When did the pershings get into the ETO?

Hi folks!

I don’t usually post in this forum, being a builder of “wingy thingies,” but saw this thread and had to join. I have the Tamiya Pershing on my soon-to-build list, and being my first armor project in many years, I was wondering if there were any aftermarket parts, such as tracks, that are recommended for it. Everything I’ve heard about the kit, including on this thread, indicates the kit is great just OOB, and I didn’t really want to spend extra money needlessly on it (money that can go to another kit[;)]!)

In regards to the Super Pershing, anyone interested in a first-hand account might want to read the book, “Another River, Another Town,” by John P. Irwin. Mr. Irwin served with the 3rd Armored Division and was a gunner on a Super Pershing.
