Here are some photos of my updated 1/76 Airfix Sheridan. Any comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Very nice, Allan. Tell us about the work involved! I’ve got that kit somewhere in the loft…
Thanks, DJ! Glad you liked it.
I had some help from a previous issue of FSM (with line drawings) and the Squadron In Action series. The Airfix road wheels werent very good, so I attached them to a motor tool and re-shaped them. Some work also went to the hull, such as the mine deflector plates and engine grille. The cupola armor, search lamp, and ammo boxes were fashioned from styrene stock, and the main gun was made from various scrap 1/72 tank guns. The bustle rack was made from metal mesh I got from a friend, cut up into shape. Theyre barely visible, but there are 1/72 MRE boxes made from Kraftwerk cut-outs inside the bustle rack.
Excellent stuff! I’ve got the FSM issue and the SSP book, so I might get working on mine!
Looks great.
1:76 looks like it would make a nice keychain
wow ! i thought i had finished my model of this puppy over the weekend, but now that i’ve seen urs, i think it needs some more work. u did a really great job…thx for sharing it !
great model Allen
heres the photos
now can Mr Tamiya get a 1;35th scale kit of this[:)]
Muzzleflash and Frosty,
Thank you. Im glad you liked it.
Captain Caveman,
Special thanks again to you, my friend. I dont why I cant seem to put images up. I followed the instruction and all…
i had the same problem Shermanfreak told me how
you open the photo on its largest setting
right click on the photo, open its propeties, and copy the address of the photo from the properties box , then paste the address [img]—>HERE<—[ /img][:D]
a big thank to Shermanfreak for telling me how[:)]
you can read what he said here---->