i know where to come when i need help. dose anyone know were this weapon was used? other than belgium or obermodern. also has anyone mirged tamiyas M4 with verlinden’s T34 coliope who might be able to give some tips on it.[8]
well, the us/germany would sometimes mount calliopies onto the 251 hanomag halftrack, then tow it around-you could do that…
anybody have pic’s of that it would be great on a 251. hope there is? [8][yeah][tup]
I have seen pics on the web in my quest to make a comprehensive Sd.Kfz. List w/photos but I will look through to find one!
Here is a link for you vonryan, it took a while to find–in fact, i went to this site earlier in the search, but didn’t see it!
enjoy all
thank you guys so much!!! and definitely for the web page. looking forward to the pic’s i’m going to get one more computer for the web pages.