Luck of the Irish, maybe.

So, decided to scratch-build a 1:12 scale 50’ PCF and RC it, just for fun and my winter project. Not knowing diddly about RC gear, I found a local RC flying club, (since there are not any model boating clubs in these here parts) and went to their meeting to gain a little wisdom. Well it turned out that this meeting was more of a show and tell / casual meet so my timing was perfect and the gents there were mopre than helpful in sharing RC info. But, the highlight of the evening was that one guy brought along a scroll saw to sell, and I just happened to really need one for this build. How fortuitous!!! The asking price was well below what I expected so, cutting to the chase, it’s mine now.

I find it interesting that I decided to go to this meeting, just on a hunch, found truely nice, sharing fellowship, had a few decent microbrews, and came home with a desperately needed saw. Yeah, it was a good evening.


Congratulations on your buy! Without a little luck I’d say no big project can succeed…

As for that PCF - I would love to see a WIP thread on it, I hop you’ll do one.

Living in Poland I didn’t expect it, but some years ago I had a chance to take a ride in a PCF converted to a tourist ferry between the islands of Sint Maarten and Anguilla - that was a cool ride. I would like to build a scale model of a Vietnam-era PCF one day - but it would have to be 1:35 or probably better - 1:72. Unfortunately the only option available now is 1:48.

Good luck with your build and have a nice day
