"Lost in the Woods" 1/35 USMC Recon Team

I have finally finished my first Diorama. It depicts a USMC Recon team lost during manuevers. [the name refers to the nickname for my BCT/AIT site.]

the base is a shadowbox frame with lightweight plaster. All scenery is from woodland scenics. the figures and weapons are from Dragon. Gear in the humvee is from Tamiya. The SATCOM antenna is built from brass rod and styrene. The map is of Fort Polk. The humvee is the M998 troop carrier from Italeri with wheels from AMT. The framework on the humvee is brass rod, and the camo net is dyed gauze. the SATCOM radio is a TOW control box and the rest of the radios are Verlinden. Finished in Tamiya Acrylics.

more pics at: http://s45.photobucket.com/albums/f86/ViperMP/Lost%20int%20the%20Woods%20-%20Diorama/

Awesome Job!

Is the Sat Com. satillite of common use by troops? Just wondering, I thought It maight look good in one of my dioramas.

Has far as I know, the SATCOM system is not widely used. I have only ever seen it used once in real life, and that was just a demonstration.

nice work

That’s a neat, well put together diorama. The figures and humvee look really good, too. That has to be the biggest SATCOM antenna I’ve ever seen. Most of the x-wing types I’ve seen are only maybe a foot or two tall on their stands, but that could be a type I just haven’t run across. I’m a computer guy, not a radio operator, after all.

Still, you’ve got yourself an excellent dio. Which one is the Lt that got them “lost”?

Nice set up and good ground work, but it says to me open grassland rather than woods to me.

The windshield is totally obscurred, maybe that’s how they got lost. [:)]

Are these guys in camo face paint or are they all African-American? The skin tones look very dark, but maybe that’s just the picture.

The largest SATCOM I have seen came up to my shoulder, and had another array under the X. and the Screwy Louis the 2nd would be the one on the radio trying to get them un-lost.

Yeah, its more grassland, but I when i look at it, i think back to Landnav training at Ft. Leonard Wood aka Fort Lost in the woods. [MO] The windshield originally had the wiper streeks until i hit the dio with dullcoat. Then the windshield became mud. And yes, all three have camo faces. Two are green/black and the third is brown/black. they also all have gloves [you can see the patern on them up close.

Nice diorama…You might try some mineral spirits and a que tip to get the windshield clear again.

Thanks Zander. You kickstarted my brain. Tamiya Thinner cleaned the windshield right up.

“Lost in the woods”… We used to call Fort Leonard Wood “Fort Lost in the woods.”

Thats where I got the idea. I remember my squad got lost during landnav training cause we had a dipstick who thought he knew everything. We were not happy. SMOKE SESSION!!!

Is that where you did AIT for your MOS? I have never been there, but have friends who are MPs (and those guys busted my chops for not turning my headlights off when I was entering base at night time.)


MPs undergoe BCT and AIT at Leonard Wood. Although lately they have been sending some to Ft. jackson for BCT.

Well you have an excellent diorama there. I just want to say that the title is wrong. Marine Recon teams don’t get lost. I think this is just another soldier trying to downplay the Marine Corps. Marines are experts in land navigation and compass and map reading. As a former Arty Scout Observer and Marine I can attest to that. Nice dio though. Oooraahh!!
