Looking to find which issue of Fine Scale Modeler had a review of a resin TSR2 kit

I recently acquired a Contrail Vac Form TSR2 kit.I recall that FSM had a review of a resin TSR2 kit but I don’t recall which issue featured it.Is there a master index?

Search doesn’t bring any thing up. Here’s a list of available kits.


The Contrail kit doesn’t review too well.

Thanks!I was just trying to save time as I have a lot of issues and it will take time to find the issue that contains the article!

Dont know if it would help but there is a FSM magazine index.

About us–The Magazine–Magazine Index

Thanks that is helpful!

Wow!you are not kidding about the bad review!Luckily I did not pay much for it!Contrail really dropped the ball on this kit!

It’s a mid/late 70’s vacform kit. To say it’s primitive would be generous, there’s little more than the basic shapes but at the time it was the only kit available. I did attempt this way, way back and didn’t have the skills to do it and never finished it.

yeah I guess the newer Airfix kit is the way to go!


Dont know if it would help but there is a FSM magazine index.

About us–The Magazine–Magazine Index

For the administrators……Does this index still exist? I’m considering purchasing the magazine dvd-rom set off the trains store while it’s 50% off but if there is no index I’m not sure I want to.
I did a “magazine index” search on the FSM website and something came up along the lines of using “the headings below to start your (refined) search”, but there are no headings to do that. Seems the index is obsolete?


Dont know if it would help but there is a FSM magazine index.

About us–The Magazine–Magazine Index

For the administrators……Does this index still exist? I’m considering purchasing the magazine dvd-rom set off the trains store while it’s 50% off but if there is no index I’m not sure I want to.
I did a “magazine index” search on the FSM website and something came up along the lines of using “the headings below to start your (refined) search”, but there are no headings to do that. Seems the index is obsolete?


Never mind. Found it.
