Anyone know of a good reference site for UH-1B/C? I need good interior shots, namely the overhead consoles, and any commo equipment. Anything will be cool though. I want to add some detail to that thar’ Academy UH-1C, she’s lookin’ mighty nekkid in the cockpit/interior areas.
Hi Albert
Do you have Squadrons book “UH-1 in action” or the “Huey Gunship Walk Around” they should have some good shots in them. Not much to show on them, the overhead consoles were switches and circuit breakers> the center console between the two pilots had the radio and weapons control boxes, just knobs and switches. I’m not home right now, will look when I get home and let you know if I have anything that will help you.
There isn’t much behind the pilots seats besides a couple “holes” in the roof where the intercom boxes were for the gunner and crew chief and a couple dome lights. The First Aid kits comes with the model. You could add the box on the aft end of the center pedestal console for the Log Book. Also the attach points on the floor for the pilots seat belts. I used some adhesive foil to make the edges of the center flap in the middle of the aft bulkhead to get to the removable panel there that gave access to the hydraulic cylic servos. Anything else would be extra ammo boxes, M-60 barrels, crew’s weapons(M-16’s, and ammo), maybe a tool box, and other stuff like that. To dress up the aft bulkhead there were holes for tie down rings to be screwed in and they appear to be grommets without the rings installed. Some crews had a wire stretched across with smoke grenades hanging on it. Some had floor mike switches installed and they appear as 6"x4" bumps in the area of the gunner and crew chief’s feet. Just a few things to look for in the reference photo’s
Think i found you some material sent you an e-mail. Let me know. Found more then I thought.
Did you get the picture I sent you?
Pardon my typing errors on my earlier response but my 16 month old granddaughter was trying to help me type. Finally got my three year old grandson to say huey but it comes out as uey. All helo’s are huey’s to him right now(brainwashing doesn’t hurt). Got his first trip to the LHS and his eyes lit up, future modeler I hope. Going to take him to Pima soon, he will like that.
I’m looking for the same information, only for the UH-1B as used for Medi-Vac (Dust Off). I have the "In Action and Walk Around books, but neither show the set up for the litters. I vaguely remember there was a set of racks attached to the rear bulkhead and the floor and ceiling upon which the litters could be stacked. After 35 years the memory is pretty faded, and I was not concerned about the details back then!
Anyways, I am trying to build a UH-1B ready for a “Dust-Off” mission in 1/35 scale. I have the UH-1 B conversion kit by Cobra and the Acadamy/MRC Huey. The cockpit and seats have been detailed and now I want to get the cabin area looking more realistic. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Any suggestions would also be very much appreciated. rangerj
while I don’t have any Dust Off photos myself and my memory is fading like yours, I do remember that B’s could take 3 litters across the cabin. Back side was to the rear bulkhead and I think they used straps of the front of the litters. seats for the Cheif and Doc would have been jump seats behind the pilots. Hope this helps. will also look at my other book on the Huey, if I find anything I will let you know.
Only found three photo’s in Squadron’s 'Airmobile" book, they do not so any interior shots but show loading of wounded. Only detail I could make out was the use of poles for the forward mounting position of the litters. They could only stack three litters with this system. Working on getting my scanner working. Will opst pictures if I fix it or let you know otherwise