looking for reliable source for paint numbers

Brothers & Sisters,

I am looking for a reliable website providing information on paint numbers of different producers (a cross-conversion-table presenting several brands, especially Humbrol, Revell, Pactra and GunzeSangyo). The schedules which I have spotted so far were different - depending on the source. Moreover these were usually two-brand tables only. So, for example, when I know Humbrol color number and need Pactra replacement, very often have to convert from Humbrol to Revell and then from Revell to Pactra. Sometimes the path is longer.

What would be the best source on the Internet. Please drop a line.

Many thanks.

Try this one as it has a very interesting cross reference table, but I’m afraid you won’t find a lot around Pactra : http://www.airmodel.sk/indie_eng.html
It goes directly to the English page as is. I found a polish and a brazilian tables but I have to find them. I 'll write you back here when I find them. I suppose you know the existence of the Frederikson tables on IPMS Stockholm ? Her it is :
http://www.ipmsstockholm.org/ and then you search in the site.

It seems like it wasn’t too long ago FSM had a good list of colors and what was available by every manufacturer. I’ll have to look and see if I can locate what issue it was in.

Thanks Eagle334. Please let me know if you locate the FSM number (I might miss this edition - I am newcomer in the modeling family).


The Model Master Modelers Technical Guide cross references their
enamels and acrylics with other manufacturers paints.