Looking for NATO pattern West German Gepard


Iam about to start building on my Tamiya West German Gepard and Leopard 1A4 but couldnt find cammo patterns using the new NATO scheme. Would the Leopard 1A4 has the same pattern as the Gepards?

is there a 3-side view of a line drawing/stencil drawing of the cammo scheme on the web? or does anyone have one?

Appreciate for your help [:D]


I’m no expert on Gepards, but I’ve only seen them in overall olive drab (or dark green, or whatever.) I’ve never seen one in a multi-colored camo of any type.

I’m also no expert on the Gepard but I did find this pic. I hope this helps a bit.

And now I’ve seen one!
Looks good, too.

Only problem is … I wouldn’t know what NATO camo even looks like.

wow, that a pretty clear shot!

thanks everybody.

Here’s the link for the rest of the site Monty. Hope this helps.


check out :

that’s the NATO web page hope it helps?

You can also look
under “Tarnanstriche” (Camouflage),here you will find,what you

happy modelling