Looking for info on two XP a/c

Does anyone have a source of info for the XP-58 Chain Lightning and the XP-61 day fighter version of the P-61? These are two projects that I want to research and possibly “kit bash” a P-38 and a P-61 into these variants. I have found little to no info on the net. I figure that if anyone had any info, I’d find it here among the pros! Thanks!

Brian [C):-)]


Warbird Tech No. 15, P-61 Black Widow has a section on the XP-61, I believe with references.

The P-38 and the XP-58 don’t have much in common.

Anigrand makes a 1/72 XP-58.


Triarus and mkhoot.

Thanks for the info - I have found a bit on the XP-58, and you are right, it isn’t very much like the P-38 except that they are both twin boom a/c. I’ll try the warbird pub. for the XP-61. Thanks for your help!

Brian [C):-)]