Looking for companies that can produce custom kits for individuals.

I’m looking for a model company that can manufacture custom kits based on an individual’s choice. I’ve heard of a company that somebody sent in an order to build them a custom laser kit. So I’m looking for a company that could help me with making a Haunebu 1 flying saucer model. The company also has to produce good quality models as well. Any answers will be appreciated.

I see what you are asking going one of three ways:

First, 3D printing. Unless what you are seeking is already a digital 3D CAD design, you or a designer will have to produce one. A professional designer will charge for his/her services. A complex desogn could run into large bucks. Remember that your time also has value. Then there is machine time and material.

Second, a resin model generally good for 30 to 50 copies maximum. You or someone will have to produce a scratchbuilt physical model which can be molded and resin copies made. Again a professional will charge for their time and material. While you are scratch building the mold master, why don’t you just scratchbuild your model and skip the resin casting step

Third, injection molding. Here you are talking big bucks Production costs are amortized over production runs of thoussands to tens of thousands. You can go two ways here. First you need a digital 3D CAD design that can be loaded into a digital mill (see number 1 above) At a time and material rate. The mill will cut the injection molds the you take them to an injection molding company to produce the plastic at a time and material rate. Second is the old school way, produce a physical model ( see number 2 above) and hire a die cutter to pantograph the part(s) into an injection molding. Time and material. Then like above you take your molding dies to an injection molding house to produce the model at a time and material basis

It will get expensive regardless of your choice. Your time has value. If it is a fantasy project of yours it may help defray the costs. I know I’ve spent months collection references for, and producing scratchbuilt model masters for a resin ship model company. Never made near my money back. I did it because I felt the subjects were unique and their was no model on the market.

Injection plastic? Tens of thousands minimum.

I mentioned it before in your other thread. I would definitely go this route:


Different aircraft but same approach.

These folks here may be able to help you. They make different models in resin and advertise custom models too. https://www.anigrand.com/ I have the 1/72 C-5 model and it is pretty good material.

As I recall, somebody made an injection model of the Nazi bell some years ago. It generated some controversy at the time, although I don’t remember the specifics.

Unfortunatly Anigrand is no longer producing kits so they won’t be of help.


Well, then which company should I go for instead?

Squadron did the Hannebau several years ago.

Well, I sent them an email, and as of right now, they don’t have any plans to release any new Haunebu kits. I already have a kit of their Haunebu 2, but I’m now looking for good models of the Haunebu 1 and the Vril 1 Jager, as well as maybe the Vril 7 Geist and Haunebu 3.