Looking for a LHS

As the tital suggests , I’m in serch of a LHS that caters to or at least has a good selection of plastic kits. A google search only came up with R/C shops ( no plastic ) and internet shops. I live just north of Galveston Tx and would like to give my buisness to a local shop. Thanks in advance.

Good luck,not too many left anymore,but Google or the old Yellow pages would list what is in your area.

Have a visit or phone the RC shops. Several of the ones near me also carry a selection of plastic scale models in addition to the RC stuff.

Maybe you can check out an antique shop. Some antique shops sell model kits from what I’ve seen.

I googled for Hobby Shops in Galveston. The only thing besides a Hobby Lobby that showed up was a place called Samanos in Kemah TX. There are photos of the interior of the store. There is a selection of plastic scale models there, though not very large. There also is RC, flying & rolling, rocketry stuff, and airsoft guns. Looks like it might be worth checking out.

This is nice of you and I also tryed to do this as much as I could. However, of 4 LHS only one remained. Internet shops are the reality/sign of the time. I buy from the LBS paints only as their kit prices just can’t compete with online shops. Try as I may, it is hard to pay 20-30 bucks more for a model, even when you include S/H. Add to this promotions like spend $X or more and get free shiping, LBS never gives even a slight discount, they just can’t aford that and they know me there as a regular customer for paints, brushes, art supplies for kids etc. I got a gift card for them few times so I bought few kits, but that is it.

Stickpusher,I know this Hobby shop. A very well rounded shop. I go there for all my R/C needs. They do have a selection of kits , just not very big or any of the new kits. The owner is one of the best people out there. I need to go by there for fuel so maybe he has expanded his plastic selection.

I heard there is an arheological dig going on and they have found remains of what the believe to be the Hobbystoreasaurus. It’s been aged back to the 1970’s and they just don’t know what happened to make them extinct. Good Luck.

We have two shops in San Antonio, but that would be a bit of drive for you. Neither one does internet sales.



I just mentioned Hill Country Hobby in San Antonio. I don’t know of anything closer to you. There is a Hobby Town in San Antonio too. T.B.


Speaking of HobbyStorasaurus! There’s two much older digs in Buffalo,N.Y. They found two from the 50s ! Were great stores at the time. OOPS ! Does that mean I am a modeling Neanderthal? LOL.LOL. T.B.


If you know what you want they will work to send it to you though. Anyway Hobby Town has done this for me. I don’t go to Dibbles for two reasons. One is personal and the other is they are to hard to get to. Hobby Town is just off 410. Now Hill Country Hobby is just off 410 to the left a ways down Bandera Road.

An RC shop by me will make special orders for kits upon request. They just ask that it be from a mainstream company. Perhaps your shop there might do the same? Just because it is not on the shelf at the moment does not mean they cannot get it for you.

Honestly, It only make sense to find a good online retailer or two, or three and use them. For sheer slection alone you can’t beat it. A LHS is a thing going quickly extinct and trying to prop them up at this point is useless. The internet is the superior buiness model for buyers now.

Modelmaker66, I like going to a LHS for that item that you need “right now”. The internet is nice , but you can’t beat the guy behind the counter with all the knowledge of a shop owner. Getting to hold that new kit in your hands and look at it before you decide to purchase. Just going to the LHS to socialize with your fellow plasticaholics. you can’t get that from the internet.


Let me inject my two cents if you please. I shop on line Rarely. Why? the answer is multiple reasons.

1- I don’t like waiting for mail. Many are delivered by Non-Amazon or other private contractors

2- I have recieved more damaged kits this way.

3- I am old, and old fashioned. I want to hold the box, study the Box and decide.

4- My LHS lets me open the kit if there is a question, if no one else has built this particular kit

5- I wouldn’t pick a Car ,House, Or other items on line. Why? Well in the first two I want to make sure I am getting what I ordered. The third reason, you don’t always get what you want. They sometimes send something else, because yours is discontinued or out of stock. I have had that happen!

So you see Brick and Mortar Hobby Shops are still necessary. I would NEVER buy an R.C. Ship Kit without seeing it in person. After all like the Arizona and Iowa kits, If I am spending that kind of Money, I want to see for sure what I am getting.

Many on line sources don’t have the kit laid out like they sometimes do on the “Bay”. So that leaves me wondering what version I can actually build. I could go on , But you get the drift. Plus the U.S. Postal Service has rules concerning shipments of Paint etc.

LHS overrated these days,I had one in NJ,kit prices were always a lot more,in some cases $20 more then online,I don’t need to pay that for a little conversation.Granted I love the convenience of having one close by to get paint and glue,but they cant survive on that,so I just have to adapt if they are no longer around.Yea,I used to love sitting in my car and opening the box,but I can do without that for less money,now I have the excitement of opening the box when the UPS man drops ot off,and for a lot less money

Exactly. And as TB pointed out, many times a shop will let you open and examine the kit before purchasing. And let’s say that you don’t, you buy the kit anyways and discover a short shot part, missing or damaged part, or some other flaw. The good LHS will usually exchange your kit, provide store credit, or some other quick fix, compared to the hassle of dealing with an online retailer for such events.