Looking for a good (and inexpensive) air source

I’m considering the Automist 2000 compressor (http://www.automist2000.com/) and I was wondering if anyone out there had any experiences to share, good or bad. I would also be open to suggestions for other compressors as well.


Sorry to bounce the thread, but I’m still considering this compressor, and don’t want to fly blind. It’s 140 bucks and seems like a good deal especially since I want something quiet. Any new people out there have any experience with this one, or have another to reccommend?

I do not know this compressor, but you might check e-bay too… I got a great deal on a Paasche compressor there. The thing to watch on some of these compressors is how constrant the airflow is. 45psi sounds like a lot, but that is “no load” so it’s hard to say what it would really be.

You might check Dixie Arts… They have great prices http://www.dixieart.com/Dixie_Art_Supplies_Airbrush_Main_Page.html.

Hope you find what you need!